Prince of Sabersycha Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil

Prince of Sabersycha

The Prince of Sabersycha, also known as Prionsa na Sycha, is the monarch of the Principality of Sabersycha.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The prince has a regalia comprised of several elements; a cloak, a brooch, two rings, and a headdress, that are passed on from one prince to another; and a scepter that is held by each noble house and varies between princes. In times of war, a spear is held instead of the scepter.  
The cloak is made of dark green velvet embroidered with golden intertwining knotworks. It is adorned with seven white circles, symbolizing each of the noble houses.  
The brooch is made of silver in the shape of an eight pointed star set with a precious opal in its center. Seven of the corners point downwards and are placed against a larger prominent one pointing upwards.  
One ring is a mithral signet ring with a monogram of the letters Seva, Hok, and Aii, signifying the name of the principality (Sab Her sycha Ars) and worn on the right middle finger. The second ring is made of gold with a prominent emerald set in its center and is worn on the left ring finger.  
The headdress is an inversed golden tiara, with its sides being the prominent pieces, seemingly jutting upwards from the prince's temples.  
The scepters are made of blackened ironwood, with varying motifs depending on the house the prince came from:
  • House Eburio's scepter is topped with a large diamond and is completely smooth.
  • House Fuaráin's scepter has wave shaped carvings and topped with fourteen pearls.
  • House Tasgilla's scepter has golden streaks running along it, ending with a seven pointed platinum star.
  • House Lugaid's scepter has flame shaped carvings and topped with a large red beryl.
  • House Fedelmid's scepter is carved into intricate knots and topped with a magical bloom that changes its color with the seasons.
  • House Stríbheatha's scepter is especially rugged and its top is carved into the shape of a wolf's head.
  • House Colcamin's scepter was carved to look frail and weak, and topped with a massive amethyst. The scepter was lost during the 1st century AB, with the two princes of house Colcamin wielding Sleagh Pheadair during their reign.
Royalty, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
Deartháir Mór
Equates to
Tawal in the North Gulf;
King in the Kadian Dominion;
Borlarmjuvar of Khazad-Ram.
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Varies (see text)
Current Holders
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