Cadlan Draig
The Conflict
As soon as Sel-Quessiri were tired of trying to assert control in Thalasindor and they had began ventruring west-ward, toward the lands of Abaisgar, where they came to clashes with the Old Ansko Empire. However, this turn of event allowed the dragons of Septoland to try to seperate the Sel-Quessiri - This deed, did attract the attention of the Daoin Quessir who came and even acted militarily in Thalasindor and offered their advise in Abaisgar. Things turned real ugly when the Old Ansko Empire assassinated and marched openly in Abaisgar, confronting Owhain which asked them to not attack them. Following a protocol dictated that the Mechanus's Marut Signatories would intervene, causing havoc on Old Ansko Empire, in finance, military and arcane capabilities - A promise which the Maruts fulfilled. came. This was one of the only instances where armies from Mechanus challanged an army from the prime and causing mass destruction on many places.