Daoin Quessir Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil

Daoin Quessir

Daoin Quessir is the culture of the Sehan Elf.   The Daoin Quessir belive themselves to be the defenders of elven culture and tradition - a fact well established.   Their longevity has changed their outlook and their very means of thinking. Patience and thoughtfulness dominate every aspect of the Daoin's outlook. Actions are rarely taken without considerable thought, discussion and consideration and they never take decisions hastily. The only exception to this, is in combat, when quick action is required. Many of the sages recognize that the patience of the Daoin is mistaken by the common folks, but the wise one know that they never sit idle and their machinizations run deeper and they never take an action too late.   The Daoin Quessir also believe in strength of unity, prioritizing communal togetherness over individual needs. While the neutral nature of the Sehan elves prevents the Daoin Quessir from truly becoming a collective, nevertheless some aspects of their culture reflect this particular philsophy. Works of art, music, and craftings that require the combined efforts of multiple people are valued more than the unique creation of a single individual. Some scholars have theorized that the particularities of High Elven Magic (requiring multiple individuals working together) may have influenced this cultural focus, although it's not clear which institution came first.


Culture and cultural heritage

Religion and faith infuse every aspect of the Sehan Elves. As the chosen representatives of all that is good and beautiful in elven culture (intheir own eyes, at least), the Daoin constantly give thanks and pay homage to The Seldarine.
Each work of art, each poem, each song, is dedicated first and above all others to the Seldarine, and second to their Queen. Daoin religious ceremonies and processions are long, drawn out. Exuberance in the form of loud voices, merry songs, or joyful worship is considered shockingly inappropriate, and quiet chanting or solemn intonation is the order of the day when Daoin join together in worship.

Common Dress code

Cool colors such as blue and green are favored, as is white, although white is often worn as a color of mourning as well. Decorations in the forms of embroidered hems and collars, knotwork patterns, and naturalistic runes are common, but kept subtle so that they will not interfere with the overall harmony of a garment.   Jewelry is also kept simple, with unadorned headbands and rings being most common. Earrings, torcs, and bracelets decorated with complex patterns are sometimes worn, but these are often considered overly ostentatious and excessive. All clothing and jewelry are painstakingly crafted in typical Sehan elf fashion, and even the rudest cloak or tunic made by the Daoin would fetch a hefty price in Theras.   Armor and weapons are invariably works of art, carried proudly into battle, and often inscribed with small versions of ancient runes or elven heraldry. The links on some famous suits of elven chain, for example, are inscribed with prayers, invocations, or quotations from religious texts.   Daoin make use of the otherwise rare elven plate armor, as well. Suits of this type of armor are likewise inscribed with runes, designs, and quotations, chased and decorated in gold, silver, or brass, and individually fitted to each wearer. Some suits of enchanted plate worn by ancient heroes still exist, but many of these were lost on Theras, and the Daoin are taking steps to retrieve them.

Art & Architecture

Their poerty and art is simple, yet graceful, incorporatring many of the traditional natural motfis, combined with elven symmetrical designs somewhat reminiscent knot-patttern of The Free Marches Artisans.
Daoin poetry and song are as slow and solemn as one might expect; Tales of ancient battles, songs of the gods and stories of heroic individuals are popular, but these are more often than not sad sagas with tragic endings.   Minstrels are an important part of society and they as bards do not only wander the island of Aeloriandor, but also venture on the world, exchanging songs and stories. The harp, lute, and the shalaquin are all favored instruments.   Many artists are also wizards who use elven magic to shape, carve and polish natural objects, much in the same as elven buildings are constructed.
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