Deep Duerra Character in Theras | World Anvil

Deep Duerra (DWAIR-uh)

Deep Duerra is a demi power of the duergars. Her domain encompasses both martial prowess and psionic mastery.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

While Deep Duerra remains a mystery to most surface dwellers, her clergy, known as [tooltip:"Those who seize enemy lands" in Dwarvish]Norothor[/tooltip, have recently stirred whispers in Underdark trading posts and travel hubs. These psionically adept priests are fervent advocates for expansionism, a stance that clashes with the more traditionalist duergar who prefer to serve Laduguer.  
Norothor pray for spells at night.

Tenets of Faith

  • The children of the Deep are destined to rule the earth and stone that birthed them, and carve their dominion across the vast caverns of the Underdark. Every new territory, every unearthed resource, and every subjugated race strengthens their claim.
  • Fickle and unreliable, arcane arts pale in comparison to the potent power of the mind. Only the focused will, honed through rigorous mental disciplines, can achieve true mastery. Mere spells hold no sway against those who command the "Invisible Art" (psionics).
  • Through superior mental prowess and unwavering resolve, the duergar will conquer or enslave those who rely on fleeting magical trinkets for survival. True power lies in the strength of the mind and the will to dominate.


The Clenched Gathering
On the eve of the Deepest Freeze, usually on midwinter eve, Norothor gather for a ceremony known as the Clenched Gathering. This celebration commemorates past victories and serves as a platform to declare their expansionist goals for the coming year. The ceremony features pounding of hammers, rhythmic war chants, and the grim tradition of passing a freshly severed head – a symbol of an enemy whose territory will be claimed before the next Gathering.  
Every 5th of Coppernium, Norothor clergy gather in their temples for the Meld. This psionic ceremony allows them to establish a collective link with Deep Duerra, whom they revere as the "Mind Princess". Through this ritual, the norothor gain deeper insights and enhanced mental focus, fueling their relentless pursuit of power and dominion.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Duerra appears as a powerfully built duergar woman, standing at an imposing 6 feet (1.8 meters) tall. Her head is mostly shaved, leaving no beard and only a monk's tonsured cut and a rear-facing, tightly wound braid on her scalp.  
Duerra indicated her favor via the discovery of small pools of fresh, completely still water, and through the discovery of greenstones, sapphires and crown-like silver rings. If displeased, she was known to unavoidably feeblemind the annoyance.

Special abilities

An avatar of Duerra can cast spells from any sphere and use psionics of all types. Every minute at will, Duerra can cast deflect psionics, though she herself is completely immune to any mind-affecting abilities, whether spells or psionics. She emitted a constant mental chant at all times, and allied duergar within 90 ft (27 m) of her are fearless, even in the face of supernatural terror like a dragon's aura.   Duerra can only be harmed using enchanted weapons. Like some other dwarven gods, Duerra can enter a ghost-like anima form upon being killed. This phantasmal form can't be turned, can become invisible at will, and use any of her magic powers, though she is only half as durable in this state.   Duerra could manifest her influence as a crown-like nimbus of silver light that surrounded a creature's head. For the next ten minutes, the target's reservoir of psionic power would quadruple, they will have some kind of psionic defense surrounding them (such as intellect fortress, mental barrier, mind blank, thought shield, or tower of iron will), and/or, like Duerra, their minds would be immune to magic tampering.

Specialized Equipment

The Axe Princess of Conquest's weapon is Mindshatter, her enchanted battleaxe that, upon striking an enemy, can steal psionic strength and transfer it to its wielder. The enchanted, everbright chainmail armor she is clad in was both shimmering and ornate.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Myths and Legends

Among the elderly gray dwarves, whispers of a forgotten era circulate. Legends speak of a mighty queen named Duerra, who once presided over a vast subterranean empire. Fueled by expansionist ambitions, she led her dwarven armies on daring conquests.
Legacy of the Mind Princess
Despite these conflicting narratives, duergars revere Duerra, also known as the "Mind Princess," as the progenitor of their psionic abilities. These powers mark the gray dwarves as a distinct subrace and fuel their unwavering ambition for dominance. For the Duergar, Duerra embodies their core principles: expansion through conquest, subjugation of the weak, and the pursuit of power through all means necessary. They believe that by following her path, they will ultimately claim their rightful place as the preeminent power in the Underdark.  
Shifting Alliances
Duergar animosity eventually shifted targets. After centuries of conflict with drow and illithids, Duerra directed her forces towards new foes. These victories, coupled with her unwavering leadership, caught the attention of Laduguer, the chaotic dwarven deity. He saw in Duerra a kindred spirit, one who embraced ambition and power. As a reward, Laduguer elevated Duerra from the status of an Idol to a full-fledged deity. However, this ascension came at a cost. Duerra's newfound divinity strained her relationship with the other dwarven gods, ultimately leading to her exile from the Morndinsamman, the dwarven pantheon. Without her leadership, the once-vast duergar empire fractured and began a slow decline. Since her ascension to divinity, Deep Duerra has remained ostracized by the Morndinsamman, the dwarven pantheon. While not entirely banished, she holds no desire to mend these fractured relationships. Among the dwarven gods, she finds no true companions. Sharindlar, the goddess of healing, maintains a working relationship with Duerra despite a deep aversion to her methods and later on Berronar. The enigmatic Dugmaren, known for his inventions, avoids outright conflict within the pantheon. While tolerated by the lawful members for the usefulness of some of his creations, he finds Duerra's company tiresome at best. Despite the controversies surrounding her past, Duerra remains a revered figure among the duergar. They hail her as the progenitor of their psionic abilities, the power that sets them apart from other dwarves. These abilities allow them to stand firm against the magical prowess of the drow and the psionic might of the illithids. Furthermore, duergars revere Duerra's relentless ambition and expansionist goals. They see her as a symbol of their inherent right to dominate the Underdark through conquest and subjugation.

Personality Characteristics


For Deep Duerra, conquest is not merely about acquiring land; it's the thrill of the hunt. She thrives on the strategic challenges of planning and executing the next glorious victory. Never satisfied with the status quo, Duerra is a ruthless leader who demands unwavering commitment to success. She expects flawless execution from her followers and considers any sacrifice a justifiable price for furthering her ambitions.   However, it is not the actual possession of territory that Duerra enjoyed, but the act of obtaining it; the Mind Princess is always plotting, planning, and strategizing for her next glorious conquest. Never content, Duerra is ruthless in her pursuit of assured victory, having no tolerance for anyone, no matter who they are, that don't meet her expectations, and considering no sacrifice too great for her continued success.   Beyond her constant war planning, Deep Duerra is known to dispatch avatars – extensions of her will – to directly influence events concerning the duergar and other races. These interventions occur for various reasons. Sometimes, she offers aid when the duergar face powerful psionic foes like aboleths or illithids. In other instances, she intervenes when a duergar city has a golden opportunity to expand its territory but lacks the decisive leadership to seize it. In these cases, Duerra ensures that her people capitalize on such advantages, furthering their dominance in the Underdark.


Contacts & Relations

Whispers abound regarding Duerra's origins. Some claim she is the granddaughter of Moradin, the All-Father of Dwarves, and Berronar, the goddess of the hearth, with Laduguer as her father.   Whether Duerra is Laduguer's literal daughter or a protégé elevated to demigod status remains unclear. Regardless of their bond, their relationship is far from harmonious. While Duerra upholds Laduguer's principles of ambition, dominance, and stoicism – acting as his enforcer for the duergar race – respect and obedience seem to be the only glue holding their alliance together. In truth, it appears to be a purely practical arrangement.
Queen of the Invisible Art;
Mind Princess of Conquest;
The Lady of Stone and Shadow;
Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Psionics, Conquest, Expansion
Dwarf, Evil (Fear, Kyton), Law (Ineivtable, Judgement, Kyton), Liberation (Revolution), Magic (Alchemy), War
A mind flayer skull
Dwarves, fighters, psionicists, travelers in the Underdark
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Mindshatter (battleaxe)
Holy Days
The Clenched Gathering, Meld


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