Laduguer Character in Theras | World Anvil

Laduguer (laa-duh-gwur)

Laduguer is the chief god of the Duergars and very much reflective of their ways in slavery, artistic magic items, magic and cheating.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Dueham Culture

Dueham society recognizes no distinction between religious and secular leadership. Their clerics, known as thuldor, act as the undisputed rulers. This singular theocracy has kept the duergar united and powerful since their exodus from the surface world, guided by Laduguer's first priests.   Duergar see themselves locked in a perpetual struggle against other Underdark denizens. Many thuldor temples maintain vast stables for breeding and caring for steeders – monstrous hunting spiders used for transportation throughout the Underdark. Under the thuldor's guidance, the duergar have become experts in training these versatile beasts, granting them a monopoly on this valuable resource and significant financial power within the Night Below (the Underdark). Interestingly, despite their religious role, thuldor clerics are also expected to serve in the duergar military.  

Non-Dueham Culture

Artisans, those who love creating magical weapons, armor, trinkets are all welcome under Laduguer since The Gods War. Having Killing an immeorable diety that was incharge of arts and due to Ervenius' leaving the sanctity of magic alone. Duergars first allowed other humanoids who sought their love of the arts too precious. However, Laduguer's clergy couldn't find a foothold inside Eldar's culture, instead finding a love for trade and the creation of magic items. The Non-Dueham clergy, call themselves Grimcloaks, those who find love in creation of the arts and they do view Duergars as natural partners in these endeavors, while prepared to pay the price for such gifts. They do in fact have several contracts with Pheistus' clergy whenever they are and they do happen to supply the best arms of all non-elves (and some argue non-Dwhewn) in all of Theras.  

Priestly Vestments

Laduguer's clergy, the Grimcloaks and Thuldur, embody their name in their attire. They wear practical metal armor and hooded gray mantles, reflecting the harshness of their god and their subterranean existence.   Laduguer's priests are as adept at warfare as they are at religious ceremony. They favor ranged weaponry like heavy and light crossbows, along with picks, short swords, spears, and war hammers for close combat. For stealthy missions, Grimcloaks and Thuldur don lighter leather or studded leather armor. But when facing a direct fight, they shift to the heaviest armor available.  


Before the Gods war, Novices of Laduguer are known as the Untempered. Full priests of the Exile are known as Grimcloaks. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Ladugueran priests are Deep Adept, Dark Craftsman, Invisible Artisan, Rune Weaver, Grim Guardian, and Doom Knight. High Old Ones have individual titles but are collectively known as the Ardukes of the Gray Gloom.   Since then the entire clergy has changed:
  • Forge Acolytes
    These novices are new to the faith, learning the basics of craftsmanship and devotion.
  • Ash Mages
    These are the core priests, clad in the signature gray hooded mantles and wielding their crafting skills with religious fervor.
  • Master Smiths
    Beyond the Ash Mages lies a path of increasing skill and influence. Titles like Deep Delver mark growing knowledge of the Underdark and its materials, while Shadow Weaver signifies exceptional technical ability in crafting intricate and sometimes magical objects.
  • Whispering Weavers
    These highly skilled priests possess a mastery of stealth and subterfuge, using their crafting skills to create silent but deadly tools.
  • Rune Wardens
    The most revered priests delve into the mysteries of runes and enchantments, becoming experts in imbuing crafted objects with magical power.
  • Obsidian Champions
    These elite warriors lead the temple's defenses, their mastery of combat honed through years of dedication and their armor and weapons imbued with potent blessings.
  • Forgemasters
    At the pinnacle stand the Elder Smiths, each with a unique title but collectively known as the Forgemasters. They are the ultimate authorities within Laduguer's clergy, their wisdom and skill unmatched.


Dueham Culture
Within Dueham, Laduguer's temples are not for the faint of heart. Hewn from the living rock of the Underdark, these smoke-filled halls are devoid of ornamentation. Their stark beauty lies in the raw power and craftsmanship evident in the weapons and armor lining the walls – silent testaments to the skill of the Ash Mages. Many temples boast vast stables dedicated to the hulking forms of steeders – monstrous hunting spiders prized throughout the Underdark. The duergar, under the guidance of the thuldor, have mastered the breeding and training of these beasts, granting them a lucrative monopoly on this valuable resource and significant financial power within the Night Below. In addition, temples are often built directly above mine shafts, allowing for the seamless extraction of raw materials to feed the insatiable forges within and every woth while temple has a Great coal-burning forges are the heart of these temples, their fiery breath the only source of warmth in the ever-present chill. The sooty exhaust paints everything in a perpetual twilight. Clerical guards, many mounted on their loyal steeders, patrol the temple grounds with watchful eyes, ensuring the never-ending symphony of creation continues uninterrupted.  
Non-Dueham Clergy
The Non-Dueham has a clergy similiar to Pheistus' temples, often mistaking the two, except that they focus on magical creation and arts and not technology.   However, both within the Dueham and non-Dueham, these temples thrum with the rhythm of industry. Armories overflow with meticulously maintained weaponry, barracks echo with the shouts of training warriors, and forges pulse with the relentless clang of hammers shaping raw materials. Storerooms bulge with the fruits of their labor, a testament to their dedication.    


Thuldor pray for spells in the morning, usually before dedicating at least an hour to concepting, creating or improving of a magical weapon. The Clergy holds few elaborate religious ceremonies. In their view, celebrations are a dangerous indulgence that disrupts the relentless work that fuels their enduring survival.

Tenets of Faith

Dueham Tenets
  • Reject the weak gods and indolent ways of your dwarven ancestors. Their path leads only to weakness.
  • Unwavering obedience to superiors is the cornerstone of strength. Trust the chain of command, for it leads to ultimate victory.
  • Dedication to your chosen skill is paramount. Only through relentless practice and refinement can you achieve true power.
  • Labor is the fuel of progress. Every drop of sweat and calloused hand brings you closer to wealth, security, and dominance.
  • Never show pain or emotion. Such displays betray weakness, and the weak are destined to suffer.
  • Adversity is Laduguer's forge. Endure hardship with stoicism, for each trial strengthens your resolve and carves you into a weapon of adamantine will.
  • Those who falter deserve their fate. Let them be a cautionary tale, a testament to the consequences of weakness.
  • Sever ties with those who have chosen the path of ease. True power lies in self-reliance and unwavering focus.
Non-Dueham Tenets
  • True mastery comes from relentless toil and unwavering dedication to your craft. Every bead of sweat and flickering forge fire fuels your skill and ignites your inner power.
  • The path to mastery is paved with flaws and failures. Each mistake is a stepping stone, a lesson learned that brings you closer to flawless artistry.
  • Your tools are not mere instruments, they are extensions of yourself. Respect them, maintain them, and use them with purpose to forge your legacy.
  • There is inherent beauty in every creation, regardless of function. Imbue your work with purpose and passion, transforming the mundane into the magnificent.
  • Do not simply copy the works of others. Push boundaries, experiment with new techniques, and leave your unique mark on the world through your creations.
  • Knowledge shared is knowledge multiplied. Teach your skills to worthy apprentices, for a rising tide lifts all crafts.
  • The materials you work with are gifts, not to be wasted. Use them wisely, understand their properties, and draw out their inherent potential.
  • The skills honed in the forge or at the loom translate to strength in all aspects of life. Your dedication becomes your resilience, your precision becomes your focus.


The Church has 4 holidays, though more considered like rituals:
The First Strike
In the Spring Equinox, which marks the beginning of the mining season. Duergar priests bless tools and equipment, praying for a bountiful harvest of raw materials.
The Molten Heart
During the Summer Solstice, they church dedicates the day to the forges themselves. Duergar artisans present their best creations, competing for recognition from their peers and blessings from the clergy.
The Deep Delve
In the Autumn Equinox, the clergy Honors the miners and explorers who risk their lives to bring forth the materials that fuel their creations. Stories of bravery and sacrifice are shared, and rituals are performed to ensure the safety of those who venture deep underground.
The Night of a Thousand Hammers
Though not within fixed date, this is a surprise holiday declared by the Forgemasters to test the duergar's dedication. Everyone, from priests to apprentices, works through the night in a frenzy of productivity, pushing their limits and showcasing their unwavering commitment to their craft.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Laduguer appears as a tall, gaunt duergar with skin that can change between gray and brown to match the nearby rock. He is bald and perpetually frowning. He is inclined toward evil, but this is mostly turned inward, gloomy and unforgiving over what he feels is his rejection by his kin. He is supremely lawful above all else, despising the other dwarven deities for being lazy, indolent, and feckless.

Personality Characteristics


Ever since the duergar split from their dwarven kin, Laduguer, has simmered with bitterness. He scoffs at his kin in the Morndinsamman, labeling them lazy traditionalists clinging to outdated ways. But Laduguer is no champion of free thought. He enforces a rigid doctrine: absolute obedience to leadership, dominance through slave labor, wealth through crafting magical weaponry, and unwavering security built through a harsh military.   Up to The Gods War, Laduguer fueled his followers' xenophobia, urging them to shun other races except for necessary trade or brutal slave raids. He believes relentless toil guarantees success, viewing failure as pure laziness. In this pursuit, Laduguer condones any action – lying, cheating, exploitation, even atrocities – to achieve one's goals. However, since then he is indeed urging his followers to view themselves as superior and encourage isolation, but trade and all arts are hereby sanctioned under his rule.


Contacts & Relations

The details of Laduguer's expulsion from the dwarven pantheon remain shrouded in mystery. Howver Surface Dwarven account that Laduguer has done unspeakable crimes against their brethren. They believe Laduguer barely escaped Moradin's wrath through the intervention of Berronar, the dwarven goddess of mercy.   However, the Grey dwarves paint a different picture: They see Laduguer as a champion of progress, advocating for revolutionary ideas that clashed with Moradin's traditionalism, ultimately leading to his banishment.   Hence, within the dwarven pantheon, Laduguer occupies a precarious position - While tolerated by Dumathion and once by Sharindlar, Laduguer remains ostracized by the rest of the dwarven gods. It should be mentioned that Deep Duerra, rumored to be Laduguer's offspring, exhibits a complicated loyalty. Though his only true ally, she's known to plot against him at times.   He has earned Lolth's scorn due to the duergars desire for their dominance in the steeder market.
The Exile;
The Grey Protector;
The Unorthodox Forgemaster;
The Slave Driver;
The Pariah of Progress;
The Dark Smith;
Master of the Dark Furnace;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Deep Duerra.
Artisans, Magic weapon creation, artisans, magic, gray dwarves, Slavery, Cheating, Toil
Artifice, Dwarf, Darkness (Shadow, Yule), Evil (Devil, Fear, Kyton), Law (Devil, Inevitable, Kyton, Slavery), Magic (Alchemy, Arcane, Divine), Protection, Trickery
Broken crossbow bolt on a shield
Gray Dwarves, fighters, lore masters, soldiers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“Grimhammer” (warhammer)
Holy Days
The First Strike, The Molten Heart, The Deep Delve, The Night of a Thousand Hammers


The Snarling Steed Legion
An elite order of duergar warrior-priests, who dominate the Underdark on monstrous hunting spiders. These skilled riders unleash fury upon their foes, maneuvering with deadly precision across cave floors, walls, and ceilings in the constant war against rival drow on riding lizards.


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