Sharindlar Character in Theras | World Anvil

Sharindlar (sha-rihn-dlar)

Sharindlar is a deity in the dwarven pantheon, revered as the goddess of healing, mercy, and romantic love. She is particularly honored among dwarven communities for her role in protecting and nurturing life, as well as fostering compassion and empathy among her followers.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Clerics of the Shining Dancer are known as thalornor. Thalonor spent a significant portion of their time tending to the sick and frail, offering both physical and emotional comfort. Beyond the sickbed, thalonor instructed young dwarves in proper courtship rituals and even play matchmaker, ensuring the continuation of dwarven bloodlines. They oversaw animal husbandry and develop new crop strains, further ensuring the prosperity of dwarven communities.  
Priestly Vestments
During ceremonies, Sharindlar's priests don red robes cinched with a blue girdle. Their heads remain bare, adorned only with a robin's egg blue scarf. The holy symbol of their faith is a double-sided silver disk bearing the goddess's emblem, often suspended from a silver chain around their necks.   While pacifists at heart, thalonor will defend themselves and those they protect when necessary. They wear appropriate armor in such situations, but always incorporate a blue scarf – around the brow, arm, wrist, or ankle – to signify their faith. Discreetly, they also carry a small knife, a tool used as a last resort to mercifully end the suffering of terminally ill creatures who cannot be otherwise eased.  
Temples dedicated to Sharindlar are vast, open spaces, free of pillars or other obstructions. These grand halls serve a dual purpose – houses of worship and grand ballrooms. They are typically well-lit, often built above ground or partially open to the sky, allowing natural light to stream in. Fountains, pools, and formal gardens create a sense of serenity and beauty. Numerous comfortable guest chambers accommodate the many visitors who come to pay their respects or seek guidance. Most temples also house a well-stocked library. These libraries are more than just repositories of books; they serve as a vital archive of dwarven history and culture.  
New initiates into Sharindlar's faith are known as the Devout. They dedicate themselves to learning the tenets of the faith and honing their skills.   Upon completing their training, novices become Acolytes of Mercy, reflecting Sharindlar's compassion of her clergy. Later on, they usually become one of the followings:
  • Whispering Dancers: These clerics embody the joy and merriment Sharindlar represents.
  • Radiant Ones - This rank signifies charisma and the ability to inspire hope and devotion.
  • Blessed Touch - Priests of this rank excel in healing magic and ministering to the sick.
  • Compassionate Soul - These clerics embody Sharindlar's unwavering compassion and empathy.
  • Wise Heart - This signifies wisdom and guidance in matters of love and relationships.
  • Lifebringer - These priests oversee matters of fertility, childbirth, and the continuation of dwarven bloodlines.
  Later on, from whatever branch they come, they later on advance to become Champions of Sharindlar. Each holds a unique title reflecting their accomplishments and areas of expertise.

Tenets of Faith

  • Speak and act with compassion, seeking peaceful solutions and offering solace to those in need. Channel anger and aggression into constructive efforts that benefit the dwarven people.
  • The children of Moradin are precious. Ensure their safety and well-being, for they are the future of the dwarven race.
  • Embrace life with enthusiasm and grace. Let laughter and merriment fill dwarven halls, a testament to the vibrancy of the dwarven spirit.
  • Uphold the traditions of courtship and marriage. Foster strong bonds between dwarves, ensuring the continuation of dwarven lineages.
  • The Lady of Life nurtures the spark of fertility within dwarven women, while Berronar watches over the developing child. Together, they safeguard the future of the dwarven people.


Clerics of Sharindlar pray for spells in the morning. Holy ceremonies, most often practiced when the moon begins to wax, Midsummer Night, and whenever the moon is full, commonly involve secret congregations in hidden caverns. At such gatherings, supplicants dance around a natural pool, chanting to the Lady of Mercy while casting items of gold into a sanctified cauldron. Participants draw a small amount of blood from their forearms, allowing it to seep into the cauldron, the contents of which are heated until molten and cast into the central pool. Thalornor frequently multiclass as bards.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

She appears in a captivating yet unpredictable manner. She manifests as a spirited dwarven maiden, either human-sized at 6 feet tall or towering at an impressive 13 feet. Her vibrant flame-red hair and full beard are striking features. However, for those unfamiliar with bearded dwarven women, her beard might seem to flicker and vanish like a flame.   The Lady of Life favors flowing, diaphanous gowns, rejecting the constraints of armor. She typically goes barefoot, but during celebratory appearances, she might indulge in a touch of whimsy, sporting boots, high heels, and elaborate gowns. No matter her attire, flames erupt around her when threatened, consuming her clothing before harmlessly dissipating, leaving them undamaged.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Since 459 AB, when a section of dwarves had begun in secret to interbreed with other races and then have the half-dwarves bring fully dwarves to the fold, Sharindlar had begun a crusade against that custom and cruelty and sought aid from outside the pantheon of the dwarves, for she speculated that they would turn a blind eye for the dwarves need was great after the countless crusades they had in the underdark. With Sarenrae's aid, she stopped this custom in the lands of the dwarves, however, there are still dwarves that are doing so in secret, against the law of the high thanes and kings.   Since then, The faith of Morndinsamman are ambivalent, and there is a divide that caught the traditional ways of dwarves against Sharindlar, for she brought outside beliefs into the Dwarf societies, having a kind of a split that the dwarves have closed again their lands to other people, and having them secluded.

Personality Characteristics


A hopeless romantic, Sharindlar relentlessly pursues uniting star-crossed lovers, defying even the most improbable odds. Thus, dwarves revere Sharindlar, their goddess of healing and mercy. Her clergy are a cornerstone of dwarven society, known for their gentle touch and restorative magic.   Dwarves rarely show outsiders the full extent of Sharindlar's domain. While they appear stoic, dwarves celebrate joy and love under Sharindlar's blessing. She is the patroness of dance, romance, and dwarven merriment.   Warm and compassionate, Sharindlar is a tireless matchmaker. She takes delight in uniting dwarven couples, no matter the obstacles. Many dwarves find love thanks to her efforts.   Invariably kind, Sharindlar offers a gentle word to all, be they mortal, divine, or even a loyal pack animal. The Shining Dancer embodies unbridled enthusiasm, prone to joyous shouts, infectious laughter, and impromptu bursts of dance.   While she fosters peace, Sharindlar finds politics tedious, preferring to contemplate the love lives of mortals and gods alike.


Contacts & Relations

Over time, Sharindlar has bridged the gaps between even the most quarrelsome dwarven deities, including Laduguer, Deep Duerra, and Orosaban. She also acts as a mediator between Moradin and his estranged children when circumstances force dwarves to work together against a common enemy.   However, her true passion lies in fostering love and connection. This extends beyond dwarven couples - she's known to dabble in the romantic futures of both mortals and deities! Her recent alliance with Sarenrae, the sun goddess, is truly a feat that can only be attributed to her.
The Restorative Touch;
The Smiling Maiden;
The Merciful Matchmaker;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Healing, mercy, romantic love, fertility, dancing, courtship, the moon
Chaos (Azata), Charm, Community, Dwarf, Good (Azata, Friendship, Redemption), Healing, Sun (Light)
Flame ring rising from a steel needle
Bards, dancers, dwarves, healers, lovers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“Fleebite” (whip)
Holy Days


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