Demonweb Pits Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

Demonweb Pits

The Demonweb Pits, also known as Lolth's Web, is originally the 66th layer of the Abyss. By the end of the Silence of Lolth, Lolth has moved her domain in the Demonweb Pits to its own planar space. The realm is ruled over by Lolth, the primary Drow deity, who resides in a huge iron fortress that moved under its mistress's will on spider-like legs. Her deific consort Selvetarm lives with her there.   The Demonweb Pits is a plane of rocks with chasms and rocky gorges. There are many pits and craters. The land looks dead. There are giant petrified spiders with webbing over everything from the songspiders. There is a distant red sun during the day and eight bright red stars at night.   There is a river of souls flowing to Lolth's city, an iron citadel in the Infinite Web. Lolth stands atop a dais in a temple on a pyramid with webs on the walls.   There are a number of geographical features on the plane, including the Plains of Soulfire and the Pass of the Soulreaver at the base of the Mountain of Eyes.   The plane is inhabited by spiders (including songspiders) and chwidencha. The Soulreaver dewell in the Pass of the Soulreaver and is a gray spectral form, with a bloated serpentine body containing screaming drow souls.  
Gods and Domains
All drow gods are originally located in the Demonweb Pits and Lolth claims to be the queen of them all.  
  • Lolth's son, Vhaeraun, maintained a realm named Ellaniath where he schemes against his mother almost constantly, an activity Lolth actually encourages.
  • Lolth's daughter, Eilistraee, also had a place in the Demonweb pits, but her main realm was in Ysgard and successively in Arvandor.
  • Kiaransalee had her own citadel made of bones called Thanatos in a desolate area of the plane. She grudgingly works for Lolth as her servant since her own layer of the Abyss was stolen from her by the reincarnated demon prince Orcus.
  • @Ghaundaur resides at the very bottom of the pits, surrounded by slime and fungus that causes multicolored lights to appear. However, in the Year of the Lost Keep, 978 AB, fed up with the Spider Queen, he removed his dominion to the Deep Caverns.
  • Selvetarm resides with the Spider Queen without maintaining a realm of his own.
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