Selvetarm Character in Theras | World Anvil

Selvetarm (SELL-veh-TARM)

Selvetarm is the embodiment of ruthlessness and violence as a deity, his singular focus being on warfare and the dissemination of destruction. He perceives beauty solely within lethal and effective combat techniques, finding no appreciation for anything else.   Selvetarm is also known as The Spider that Waits and is recognized as the (self-appointed) Champion of Lolth. Despite being the son of Vhaeraun and thus Lolth's grandson, he is referred to as the Son of Lolth. Selvetarm holds dominion as the drow god of warriors and battle prowess, although he is worshiped by only a few drow in the depths of the Underdark. His religious following essentially operates as a militaristic subdivision of Lolth's church.   Despite his familial ties, Selvetarm harbors intense animosity towards everything, including Lolth herself, to whom he is essentially bound. Despite this enmity, he displays unwavering loyalty, often foregoing opportunities to expand his own following in order to safeguard Lolth's power and, consequently, her life. Despite his penchant for aggression, Selvetarm possesses the capacity for patience, particularly when orchestrating strategic ambushes. Nevertheless, he overwhelmingly favors direct, head-on confrontations over meticulously planned and restrained maneuvers.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

His followers consists of drow and aranea.
  In general, those who follow Selvetarm are deeply immersed in martial training. However, embracing Selvetarm's teachings often proves detrimental to one's advancement in drow society, as these beliefs tend to prioritize physical prowess over intellectual acumen such as strategic thinking. Consequently, followers of Selvetarm are seldom entrusted with leadership roles. Within the drow faction, the gender distribution is heavily skewed, with males outnumbering females at a ratio of approximately 10 to 1. On the other hand, Selvetarm's aranea followers operate under a different paradigm. When discussing Selvetarm, they frequently invoke his Aspect, Zanassu. Their approach places significance on cunning, patience, and subtlety.  
Priestly Vestments
The priests devoted to Selvetarm are distinguished by their attire, donning lengthy scarlet robes adorned with chain mail linings. Their hair, worn in thick braids, terminates in hardened clumps achieved by soaking the tips in blood. Adorning their hands are steel gauntlets, each equipped with a sharp blade akin to a dagger extending from the knuckles. The hallmark symbol of their faith is a platinum disk, no less than 3 inches in diameter, featuring an embossed representation on both sides. This depiction showcases a crossed sword and mace, superimposed with the image of a spider, all rendered in jet black enamel.   During their ventures into the unknown, followers of Selvetarm equip themselves with the finest armor and weaponry accessible, though they forgo shields, save for spiked bucklers, and projectile weapons like bows and crossbows. Typically, those among the dark elven community who revere the Spider Demon opt for drow boots, a drow cloak, and drow chain mail embellished with Selvetarm's symbol emblazoned upon the breast. Most adherents of Selvetarm are proficient in wielding two melee weapons simultaneously, with favored combinations including sword and dagger, sword and mace, and sword and axe.  
The clergy devoted to Selvetarm are collectively referred to as the Selvetargtlin, a term in drow language signifying warriors of Selvetarm. Within temple structures, the titles employed by Selvetarm's clergy exhibit considerable diversity. Some common titles include Edge of the Axe, Crush of the Mace, Steel of the Blade, Tusk of the Boar, Hunger of the Swarm, Claw of the Cave Bear, Talon of the Wyrm, and Bloodlust of the Berserker. High-ranking priests of the Spider Demon hold distinctive individual titles.

Tenets of Faith

Combat represents the pinnacle of personal strength, and it is solely through engagement in battle and the aftermath of death that one can earn the admiration of companions. Continually refine your combat abilities and impart knowledge to those who will join you in the struggle. Neither offer nor expect mercy, but instead yearn for a death amidst the frenzy of battle against formidable adversaries.


Selvetarm's faithful are re required to adhere to the rites of Lolth, as instructed by her clergy.   Recent arrivals from the Demesene of A'shiraf'sir have forsaken this tradition, awaiting divine guidance for alternative methods of honoring the Spider Demon, thus far without repercussion. Selvetarm mandates that all who wield weapons in his name shout his name in the fervor of battle as they strike the fatal blow against an adversary.   Given the possibility of any strike proving lethal, the Selvetargtlin tend to continuously invoke their deity's name during combat. The aranea dwelling in the Spider Swamp follow distinct rituals in reverence to Zanassu, notable for their focus on patience, cunning, and subtlety.   These rites include the sacrifice of animals to the Spider That Waits—usually a boar or lizard—and the repetition of prayers entreating his return. The most sacred occasion of the year falls on the 6th of Gylevail, commemorating Zanassu's return after a thousand years of exile. On this day, all aranea mark their deliverance through fasting and ceremonial combat.

Physical Description

Special abilities

When manifesting his presence, Selvetarm often materializes as a formidable spider, occasionally adorned with the visage of a male drow. He brandishes his favored weapon, a hefty mace known as Venomace, in his right hand, while wielding a longsword named Thalack'velve in his left.   Instances of Selvetarm's appearances are infrequent, as he typically disregards entreaties or opts to dispatch an avatar in his stead. These rare manifestations may take the form of minuscule spheres of absolute darkness, gradually expanding until they erupt into a barrier of blades. Selvetarm demonstrates his satisfaction through the discovery of rogue stones, desiccated silverbark, or webstones. Among his attendants are myrlochars, retrievers, and various other arachnids.

Personality Characteristics


Selvetarm is a ruthless and violent deity, whose only interests consist of war and spreading destruction. He couldn't find beauty in anything but lethal and efficient combat styles. He hates everything, including Lolth , to whom he is practically enslaved. Despite this hatred, he is quite dutiful, to the point of passing up on chances to gain additional worshipers to preserve her power, as well as his freedom to protect her life. Despite his aggressive traits, he has the capability to be patient to conduct functional ambushes, but frontal wild clashes are his clear preference over anything that required planning and restraint. He had once a rather uncertain personality, and embraced neither evil nor good. When he met his aunt, Eilistraee , he learned to appreciate her teachings, thus embracing goodness and beauty, but in the end Lolth 's trickery turned him into his war-crazed self.


Contacts & Relations

Selvetarm begrudgingly maintains an alliance with Lolth, despite his status as her consort. While not particularly enamored by this arrangement, he remains steadfast in guarding her interests. Additionally, he is recognized for staunchly defending Muvir, drawn by the parallels between their personalities and domains. His vehement opposition is directed towards his father, Vhaeraun, and he has actively thwarted Vhaeraun's schemes on numerous occasions.   Selvetarm's origins trace back to the brief union of Vhaeraun and Onva, the goddess of lust. This union was conceived with the intention of halting the advance of Drow forces in Abaisgar, where Onva had amassed sufficient power to repel the drow's assault on a long-abandoned city. As a result of these events, Onva earned the epithet "The Dancing Lady".   Selvetarm experienced a period of solitude until he found companionship in Elistraee, who imparted upon him the teachings of goodness. However, this period of enlightenment was short-lived due to the deceit of Lolth. The Spider Queen, angered by the presence of the demonic lesser lord of the Abyss, Zanassu, who claimed dominion over spiders, manipulated Selvetarm into vanquishing the Demon Lord and absorbing his divine essence. This act, done under false promises of earning Eilistraee's favor, resulted in Selvetarm's corruption, as he absorbed Zanassu's malevolent essence, undoing the goodness he had acquired. Exploiting this, Lolth ensnared Selvetarm's will, binding her grandson to her service.   Selvetarm is known for his protection of Muvir, a deity suspected of coveting his powers. He also aligns himself with Kiaransalee, who, like him, finds herself in a subservient position to Lolth, driven by fear of the Spider Queen's might. Conversely, he holds enmity towards Onva, the goddess who is his mother. Initially finding solace in Elistraee's companionship, their bond soured as Selvetarm succumbed to the bloodthirsty nature imposed upon him by Lolth, making him an adversary of both Elistraee and Onva.
Champion of Lolth;
Scion of the Dark Web;
The Spider that Waits;
The Spider Demon;
Prince of the Arenea;
Lord of the Venomire;
Arbiter of Annihilation;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Chaotic Evil
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
The Abyss
Subservient Deities
Drow Warriors, Warriors, Slaughter, Psionics, Pride, mental prowess, control
Animal (Insect), Chaos (Demodand, Demon), Elf, Evil (Daemon, Demodand, Demon, Fear), War
Spider on a crossed sword and mace
Barbarians, drow, fighters, those who like to kill, warriors
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Venommace (heavy mace)
Holy Days


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