Echoriath i Thôrn Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

Echoriath i Thôrn (eh-KHOR-ee-ath ee THORN)

Echoriath i Thôrn, The Sea of Elves and sometimes referred to as the Sunken Isles were once part of the lands of Eldalor, but occupied by Aetheliorians.   Today the isles are occupied by certain kind of High Elves , who with their Sea elves live there on the isles surrounded by the Sea of Elves and in the sea.


The series of isles that were once ravaged by Aetheliora in defense against the Old Ansko Empire, became the new home for the sea elves. These isles, although destroyed, held remnants of sunken cities brimming with ancient and potent magic. The sea elves, recognizing the defensive potential offered by these submerged cities, established their lives there, utilizing the magic to create a formidable defensive position.   Some scholars speculated that the events the created the isles were because The Zephyrashan Sundering, however the Sea elves clarified that it was actually a mighty battle of magic between Aetheliora and the Old Ansko Empire, rumored to coming from what we now know as the continent of Epeoris.
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