Ultok Rojag Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

Ultok Rojag

Ultok Rojag is the name dervied from Ul tok ro ul jag and was long populated by orcs. It it told that, that the orcs had originally appeared at two places in Rakion.   One is debateable, the other is certain. Ultok Rojag is a place where dangers, wildness, savagery, justice and nobility all exist in one.


This land has been staging ground for the Old Ansko Empire, Nahrso Empire and the Menedynn Empire. Though scholars classify this land also as lands for all the races skirmishes; However the Elves and Dwarves consider themselves above such petty claim, however history tells otherwise.   It should be noted that the savage races also used this lands, however, records do not exist and and thus, we only know this by epiphany and some relics that many archaeologists find.
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