Grankhul Character in Theras | World Anvil


Grankhul is the bugbear god of the hunt and revered for bestowing upon his followers the skills of stealth and the strategic advantage of surprise. As a deity embodying the senses and quick demise, Grankhul represents the vigilant predator, symbolized by ever-watchful eyes hidden in the shadows.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Bugbears hold Grankhul in high esteem for his stealthy methods, crediting him with granting them the ability to move unnoticed, distinguishing them from the clumsy ogres. They value swift, silent movement over large, cumbersome armies, a strategy well-suited for their less populous race.   In return for their newfound stealth, bugbears believe Grankhul sapped their energy, compelling them to remain vigilant while they slept so he could remain perpetually alert. Despite this, they revere him. While collecting heads appeases Hruggek, bugbears' practice of removing or stitching open victims' eyelids pays homage to Grankhul and his ever-watchful gaze.   The clergy of Grankhul fulfill roles as explorers and scouts, tasked with hunting for the bugbear community and employing guerrilla tactics to harass neighboring settlements. However, they are closely monitored by Hruggek's priests due to their deceptive nature.   In bugbear religious practices, clerics play a minimal role in interpreting divine signs. Grankhul occasionally subtly alters the environment to test his priests' intelligence, or, if displeased, may abruptly punish them by rendering them blind or causing their demise.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Grankhul manifests as a slender bugbear standing at a height of 7.5 feet (2.3 meters), characterized by elongated fingers and prominent, bulging eyes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rumors and Legends
Among Gnome folklore, tales abound of Garl Glittergold once assuming the guise of a deer to ensnare Grankhul, eventually trapping him with an illusion and leaving him bound like a turkey.   Bugbear legends recount the bond between the brothers, Grankhul and Hruggek, who fought alongside each other, complementing each other's skills. Hruggek, known for his brutal displays, adorned his den with the heads of his victims, while Grankhul kept watch, compelling the severed heads to shriek if danger approached.   Long ago, Maglubiyet, the primary deity of the Goblinoid Pantheon, subdued the brothers as part of his quest to unite the goblinoid races. Although they remained free, they understood they were under Maglubiyet's control, leading bugbears to believe that answering the call to war is akin to serving their former masters. While bugbears don't openly revere Maglubiyet, their devotion to Hruggek and Grankhul acknowledges their allegiance to the Greater Power.
Grankhul was killed by Bane in an attempt of Grankhul to overrule the The Strife Curse when it first originated.

Personality Characteristics


Grankhul is a deity of cunning and subtlety, yet his nature remains fiercely violent and perilous despite his stealth. While he appreciates intelligence to some extent, this murderous god is prone to fits of rage. Ever vigilant and swift, Grankhul never rests, remaining perpetually alert.   Grankhul's avatars roam the darkness of the Prime Material Plane, lying in wait to ambush unsuspecting individuals of various races. Sometimes, their aim is to covertly displace demihumans or other goblinoids near bugbear settlements.


Contacts & Relations

Before its dissolution and amalgamation into the Goblinoid Pantheon, the bugbear pantheon was effectively overseen by Hruggek, although he didn't exert authoritative control. Rather, there existed an unspoken agreement among them to align with Hruggek's interests, and in return, he refrained from interfering in their affairs. Grankhul, Hruggek's younger sibling, shared a camaraderie with him, and according to bugbear lore, the two were warrior companions who preyed upon any they encountered. When Grankhul couldn't personally watch over his sleeping brother, he communicated through the severed heads Hruggek kept as trophies, instructing them to alert him in times of peril.   In certain realms, Gruumsh, the leader of the Orcish Pantheon, was reputed to be Grankhul's adversary due to a conflict over their symbols.
The Ever-Watchful One;
The Unseen Assassin;
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Hunting, senses, surprise, Stealth
Chaos (Demodand, Revelry, Riot), Evil, Knowledge, Travel, Trickery
Ever-open eyes in Darkness
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon


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