Gurth-Flos Military Formation in Theras | World Anvil


The Gurth-Flos, or Death Whisperers in Or Quesir masters of deadly stealth and assassination, both male and female.   The Gurth-Flos, are a combination of Dagr-Iliti, Death-Dancing and Shadow-Dancing.  


The Death-Whisperers possess a diverse range of magical abilities, combining their dance prowess with Shadow and illusionary powers. They can harness the energy of the dance to manipulate shadows and create powerful illusions that bewilder their foes. Additionally, their connection to death grants them the ability to communicate with spirits, making them adept at gathering information and uncovering hidden truths.  

Rumored Operations

The Death-Whisperers have a reputation for being formidable adversaries in battle. Their mastery of illusion and Shadow magic makes them particularly effective at infiltrating enemy ranks and sowing discord from within. They are mostly deployed for turning the tide of battles by using their powers to deceive and demoralize their foes, weakening their resolve and breaking their ranks - however, the mere existence of that activity was never confirmed by the enemies of The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor.   Operating in the shadows, the Death-Whisperers undertake clandestine missions to protect the kingdom and its interests. They are often dispatched to deal with particularly sensitive matters, such as eliminating high-value targets, gathering intelligence on enemy movements, and thwarting assassination attempts against the kingdom's leaders. Their operations are meticulously planned, executed with precision, and shrouded in mystery, leaving no traces of their involvement.   The Death-Whisperers' existence is known only to a select few within the kingdom's inner circles. Their services are called upon sparingly, and their reputation as masters of Shadow and illusion instills both fear and awe among those who have heard of their existence.



The council of Death-Whisperers, comprising the most skilled and experienced members, leads the elite group. The council operates in secrecy, guiding the Death-Whisperers' actions and deciding when and where their unique skills are required. Each member of the council possesses a distinct specialization, ranging from illusionary mastery to Shadowy expertise.


To become a Death-Whisperer, a Death-Dancer must be chosen by the current members based on exceptional talent and commitment. Once selected, they undergo a secluded and rigorous training program led by experienced Death-Whisperers and overseen by the enigmatic council. This training involves mastering advanced dance techniques, delving into the secrets of shadow magic, and honing their ability to manipulate reality through illusion.



They are in essence, an exclusive and enigmatic elite group that emerges from the ranks of the Death-Dancers, selected for their extraordinary skill, dedication, and innate connection to the dance's arcane essence. They undergo additional years of intense and secretive training, delving deep into the mystical arts of death and illusion. Their abilities are unparalleled, and they wield their powers with finesse and subtlety.


The Group originally started as female only party, but male using shadow-dancing abilities, acted as more involved hunters and assassins.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation


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