Herman l'Archer Character in Theras | World Anvil

Herman l'Archer

Herman l'Archer was the 7th Judge of Aluda'ar. He is best known for his anti-elven ideals as the elves had requested alot of things from the Holy State of Aluda'ar. The burden of the men-power that the elves had asked the men of Aluda'ar, had come to have many people leaving their home, for 'honor' and 'duty'. Herman. Therefore, Herman was nominated by She'eros and was tasked with the art of diplomacy. However Herman, couldn't see his people being used like that, and though he was very thoughtful, he began banishing many elves from The Frostveil Tundra, thus having many skirmishes with the elves of Amon-Thal and Woodrealm. Herman was at first encouraged and had She'eros' church backing him, however, his slaughter of innocents had She'eros denouncing him publicly via his church.   Herman was a strong leader and he had many of the church brutalized, however, with the aid of the elves, Herman was assassinated.
993 AB 1021 AB 28 years old
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