Judge of Aluda'ar Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil

Judge of Aluda'ar

Judge of Aluda'ar is a title for a periodic leader chosen by She'eros for the plight of the people of the Holy State of Aluda'ar.   Each judge is chosen by a parituclar set of skills required in the times, in order to lead the people to prosperity, many examples were that of diplomats, military leaders sometimes holy men and one time in recorded history, a 'scoundrel'.  
The Judges of Aluda'ar by order of years
  1. Honnorée de l'Esclat - 910 AB to 928 AB
  2. Gillot de Troyes - 928 AB to 945 AB
  3. Naudin Lormoy- 945 AB to 951 AB
  4. Tassin Frallon- 951 AB to 970 AB
  5. Erok Keenthane- 970 AB to 980 AB
  6. Guk'shir - 985 AB to 1,015 AB[
  7. Herman l'Archer - 1,015 AB to 1,020 AB
  8. Sybilla de Labrait - 1,020 AB to 1,045 AB
  9. Isabellis Bourdon - 1,030 AB to 1,039 AB
  10. Rollant Sarazin 1,045 AB until today

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