Honnorée de l'Esclat Character in Theras | World Anvil

Honnorée de l'Esclat

The Judge of the Children

Honnorée de l'Esclat was the first chosen of She'eros and Judge of Aluda'ar, who got her role in 911 AB, after there was a massive incursion of slavers from Sofel. She led the children and her people to new independence and established the Holy State of Aluda'ar.   She is regarded as the first prophet and the mightiest of the Judges by many, however, none has doubted her leadership and military expertise for her young age, but as far as historians regard her, she was a terrible stateman. However, she expanded the borders of Aluda'ar far beyond those of The Kingdom of Aluda'ar up until the great ice glacier to the north and east into the lands that were 'claimed' by elves in essence, however in reality, controlled by savage men and monsters.     Though many regards her as the chosen one, Honnorée was the only judge in the 10th century to have died in battle, in the service of Aluda'ar.

Physical Description

Special abilities

As many of the children that survived the purge of She'eros that had channled the souls of all those above the age of 14, she had the inherent ability to discern and find out many of the ideas and knowledge of things that passed from the world in her vicinity, thus gathering knowledge that was lost to the young people of Aluda'ar.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
900 AB 928 AB 28 years old
Circumstances of Death
Aligned Organization


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