Invyre Half-Elven Character in Theras | World Anvil

Invyre Half-Elven

Saint Invyre Half-Elven was a weaver from Ammand, the wife of Saint Kairoz the Andorian, and the mother of Isolda Artzmit, the first Sovereign of Ader.  
Let me tell you about my Invyre,
She's 5'4", fit and tanned, my Invyre, whose a bit older than me at 63 years old, can make women half her age jealous.   She and I are a perfect example of opposites complementing each other. She's a talented weaver, trained by her mother. I can't sew a button. I hunted demons and executed deranged cultists, she's afraid of ghosts.   I love everything about her - the way she sniffles when it gets a little cold, the way she still sucks her thumb, and how there's no knowing when and if she'll stop laughing once she starts. She dislikes our neighbors – they're too pious to her taste, lacking a certain spark; I'm certain she still resents me for leaving to Navara. Her favorite color is pastel red; imagine her excitement when I brought home a Disa Cardinalis for the first time.   We met during my training, she's a devout worshiper of Nymm, and she was the only half-elf who came to pray every single day. I couldn't get her off my mind, or stop looking at her. We spoke a few times, but each time either one of us had to leave. So, I did what I had to do, and tore a piece of my robes, and went to her house for her to fix it. The rest is history.
The following years I've also learned the difference between a weaver and a tailor.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Invyre was fondly described as a know-it-all, and was considered likeable by most of her acquaintances due to her cheerful nature. She was idealistic and somewhat rebellious; her strong rebellious streak has settled down over the years, especially after her husband assumed the role of the High Inquisitor of Navara, but was still prone to some harmless mischief here and there.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Invyre enjoyed the high life of Ammand and acquired a taste for art and finery such as perfumes and exotic foods. She usually wore unique clothes made by the top designers that were mostly colorful and well-fitted. According to writing of Karioz, her favorite flower was the extremely rare Disa Cardinalis and her favorite color was pastel-red. Despite developing an expansive taste, Invyre grew up in the middle class and wore no jewelry, as she claimed "they made her feel too lavish."


Contacts & Relations

While Invyre is revered by the Order of the Vermilion Orchid, her actual connection to the order is claimed by some to be entirely post mortem, as the order was officially founded and recognized by the Andorian Church more than a decade after her passing. This claim is mostly countered by written accounts of the order beginning its work during the War of the Cleric, with Invyre actually leading it.


Kairoz the Andorian


Towards Invyre Half-Elven


Invyre Half-Elven


Towards Kairoz the Andorian


Current Location
662 AB 849 AB 187 years old
Ammand, Kingdom of Ader, Second Empire of Ader
Deep Black
Curly Chestnut-Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly tanned


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