Ammand Settlement in Theras | World Anvil


The Holy City of Ammand is the capital of the Kingdom of Ader and the Kadian Dominion. It is the second holiest site for followers of The Four, after the Basilica of Saint Agustin, and the holiest site among non-orthodox worshippers of the Andorian Pantheon. The city is located on the western bank of Lake Kadia and serves as a major control point of the Kadian Highway.


The population of Old Ammand is predominately human (approximately 79%), with smaller numbers of halflings (6%), half elves (5%), dwarves (3%), gnomes (3%), elves (2%) and others (2%). Being the 4th largest city on the continent (after Sharakzizir, Vintia, and Poskeron), denizens of Ammand come from all walks of life and all levels of income.


Ammand is governed in a centralized structure of power. The Sovereign of Ader holds almost absolute power and oversight over the city, with cultural and religion duties left in the hands of the city's Cardinal. The two often delegate the many duties of governing the huge metropolis to trusted Regals. These regals then choose one from amongst themselves to be appointed as the Lord of Ammand, who represents their voices in the Candelabrum. While it is theoretically possible for any regal to be appointed as the lord, it is customarily given to the regal of the upper city.


Ammand is one of the most well defended cities on the continent. Layers of walls combined with dense streets and even narrower alleyway make invasion into the city seemingly impossible. The city's defences are so robust, and its location so strategically advantageous it managed to withstand the most turbulent times recorded since it was founded, including the Andorian War of Succession, the Great Kadian Split more. Ammand has never been taken in a fight or by force.

Industry & Trade

Ammand is considered to be one of the largest industrial hubs around Lake Kadia. While it does not have the geographical properties to become a central trade hub like Navara or Port Valor, the city's large ports and calm waters ensures quick export of goods.   Ammand is the largest producer of smoked ham on the continent, with its pig industry byproducts alone allowing it to also develop the largest tanning industry in southern half of the continent.   Besides leathers and smoked meats, Ammand also cultivated a distinctive wine culture, and several wineries in the city hold prestigious rewards. Despite the south continental success, Ammand's wines have yet to find appeal in northern markets, who prefer less 'cold and irony' taste.   Ammand's fishing industry is also considered successful, but most of its produce is being consumed locally. Very little being exported out of the city, and the little that does is under heavy regulation. The endemic bluefin trout is an excellent source of food and fish oil, but its population requires careful harvest cycles to prevent steep declines. A sizeable part of Ammand's fishing industry revolves around the yearly Blue Harvest, the only times when the prized fish is permitted to be caught.


Due to it's marshy grounds, very little can be built underground without outright sinking or destabilizing existing construction. Most of the city's properly solid ground is in and around Old Ammand. Using a natural spring under the city's highest point, Ammand's Keep, the city's architects often utilize the natural incline towards the lake and the Aderian Forest to allow waste to wash away through shallow, 20-30 cm deep canals dug and grated along the roads.   While efficient in moving most of the organic waste, the limited flow of the canals can often struggle to handle the number of denizens, requiring regular trash removal. This is an expensive part of the city maintenance, even with those hired to perform it among the lowest payed workers in the city.   Another struggle of Ammand is road maintenance. The muddy soil shifts and moves over the years, causing the city's paved roads to crack or become rugged, thus requiring regular repairs in order to stay in working fashion. In the more well developed neighborhoods and main roads, special care is taken and regular checks are performed to ensure stability and safety. Due to the high cost of masonry, this does not translate to most other parts of the city, causing Ammand to be known for its crooked pavements and shoddy roads.


Muncipal Areas

Ammand is divided into 8 distinct jurisdictions, each referred to as 'Regalia', and governed by a single appointed official referred to as a 'Regal'. Five of the city's 15 districts are controlled by individual regals, with the other eight districts split between the two remaining regals.  
Regalia of the Upper City
The Upper City, colloquially named Uptown, is a relatively new part of the city. Initially built to house the new nobility of Ammand, the upper city has grew over the years and now contains most of the rich, famous or important denizens of the city, regardless of their noble status.  
Regalia of Old Ammand
The Lower City, known also as Old Ammand, is the oldest part of the city, dated back to the 1st century to the time of Agustin Andor and the Great Conquest of Ader . The old city contains the old Palace of Ammand, the Andorian Cathedral and Ammand Keep, after which the city is named.  
Regalia of the Commons
Ammand's Commons are the most densely populated part of the city, with half of the entire city's population living inside its walls. The Commons also contain most of the city's artisan and manufacturing businesses, who cater to all kinds of patrons and customers from within and outside the city.  
Regalia of Northport
Northport is Ammand's newest port. Constructed in the late 10th century to facilitate the Reformation of the Aderian Admiralty and allow for greater ease of trade and transport between the Commons and Lake Kadia, Northport is considered to be the largest port around the lake, and one of the busiest.  
Regalia of Portside
Both Portside and the Canals compete for the dubious title of being Ammand's poorest neighborhood, with former slightly worse than the latter. The combined regalia began its life as a refugee camp during the Great Kadian Split in the 8th century and slowly turned into a semi-official part of the city. The Regalia of Portside is mostly self governed and rarely patrolled by the city security forces or the Inquisition. The common saying "Anything goes in the Portside" is a reference to both the legal and the illicit services that can be found within.  
Regalia of the Sprawls
While often overlooked or even belittled by the 'inner folks', Ammand's Noble Sprawl, Northern Sprawl and Southern Sprawl are instrumental to the city's daily operations. Containing most of the city's unskilled or developing workforce, the sprawls shape both Ammand's future and its character. Being a central melting pot of the Kadian Dominion, each of the sprawls sports unique services, architecture styles, smells and even social norm.  
Regalia of Industries
The least populated yet equally important Regalia of Industries oversees Westside, the Workshop District and the Outskirts, in an attempt to unify governing and apply standardization of the city's production centers. The regalia also serves as a unique corporate court, secondary to that of the city, to resolve small business disputes either through compromise or mediation. While each of the regalia's constituent areas operate independently, it is necessary to adhere to the laws and norms of both the area and the regalia to successfuly operate within them.  
Regalia of Suburbia
Ammand's Suburbs are the city's latest and most ambitious attempt at expanding into the marshy ground south of the city. The area consists mostly of single or double family houses, and very few businesses. Most denizens of the suburbs work inside the city, but are either incapable of affording closer housings or wish to lead quiet personal lives. To outsiders the area may seem bland in comparison to the city's other, much more lively area, but those who live there often happily remark on the slower, quiet way of life.  

Other Areas

Outside of the regular regalias, exists two other districts that fall under the special governing status of Terra Externa. While officially under the oversight of the Sovereign of Ader, the two districts operate in almost complete autonomy, to the point of not paying the city any residential taxes and not being required to declare earnings for income tax.  
The Alienage
Rivaling the Southern Sprawl in population, but consisting mostly of wooden low-rise structures, The Alienage is a mostly undocumented, rarely patrolled part of Ammand. The area is home to half-orcs, tieflings, and other races who often face discrimination by the inner-folks on a daily basis. A common saying in the streets of the Alienage is 'a happy death is one far away,' hinting at the crime, prostitution and drug use that is commonplace in the area. The Alienage's inhabitants are quickly brought to reflect that atmosphere, or manage to escape before the street manage to swallow them whole.  
The officially named Northvile befits its local nicknamed "Aperviel", an Aderic slang word meaning 'Above (the) People'. The district contains Ammand's biggest, most luxurious estates, built on top of the few good solid spots left in the city's vicinity. Belonging to nobles, merchants and famous individuals from around the Kadian Dominion, the district exists mostly to allow the wealthy to meet and great away from the prying eyes of the pedestrian public.

Guilds and Factions

Some of Ammand's organizations, orders and guilds are as ancient as the city itself. The oldest organization operating in the city is the Order of the White Rose followed by the Aderian Survey Corps. Both originated in the city and the later even became embedded into the Kingdom of Ader itself.   Control of the city operations and direction is held in constant struggle between members of the Candelabrum, the Andorian Inquisition, the bauxigts, the regals and even some guilds or extremely successful merchants. This constant struggle for power is supposedly carefully managed by the iron fist of house House Andoriani, who has ruled over the city since the 8th century, when it was handed over to Kairoz the Andorian during the War of the Cleric.


The Strange Death (732 AB)

As many predicted, Kairoz marched next on Ammand, completely cutting off access to the Grand Duchy of Arkford in the process. News of his deed arrive at the city, including the reason for the current salamezia. Many rise to support his cause and the city almost descends into civil war as Emperor Rederic Amarrel barely hangs on to his city, let alone his kingdom.   A devastating new disease quickly begins spreading though the city, just as Kairoz arrives and lays siege to it. With the Navaran fleet at his side, he chokes the ports. The cleric's army sinks any ship leaving, and anyone who dares to flee the city is met with volleys; however, neither a single arrow nor an artillery projectile is shot at its walls.   As the mysterious disease grips the city, both the Order of the White Rose and the divided Andorian Inquisition attempt to maintain law in the street. Citizens begin uniting into groups, attacking neighbors over petty causes; Inquisition forces who arrive to enforce the area run into opposite factions and brawls often escalate from pitchforks and batons to swords and spears. When Rederic Amarell and the formal leadership of the Andorian Church excommunicated the Inquisition as a whole, the Order itself was forced into those clashes.   With Rederic Amarel unable to act, Federic Hanvier, Master Warden of the Order of the White Rose, decides to hand over the city to the besiegers, and deal with the consequences later. He claimed the Order is loyal to the city, and describes Kairoz as a 'uncompromising zealot who is willing to burn his own home down to uproot evil.'; when Kairoz's forces stormed the gates a month later, they were greeted by the Order's knights, who opened the gates. Resistance is quickly eliminated within the city. Kairoz himself does not take parts in the fight, instead healing and caring for the sick. Ammand's mysterious plague vanished along with nearly its entire noble hierarchy, which was replaced. After establishing his foothold in the city, the cleric went inside the Cathedral, where he was encapsulated inside a strange crystal. By his decree, his eldest daughter became the first Sovereign of Ader and his bloodline would later establish the Kadian Dominon.  

House Andoriani (732 AB - 1045 AB)

Ammand rose to prosperity once more with House Andoriani on the throne. The new nobility system allowed for a wider holding of vassals, and the city itself was divided into small areas named Regalias. Under this structure, citizens found themselves having a voice at higher level of government, eventually forming the unofficial role of regal, one or more representatives of the area who work to lobby for their neighbors in the relevant courts. The roles finally became official in 801 after Queen Grandeur Andoriani grew tired of the unorderly fashion in which her court was regularly disrupted.   House Andoriani, while having its own share of controversies, proved to be beneficial to the city and to lake Kadia as a whole through their redistribution of wealth across the Dominion. Under the dynasty's rule the city exploded in population, and the city walls expanded once again. The stability of the Kadian Dominion and the revitalized external diplomatic relations allowed for great riches to flow into the kingdom's capitol. With this newly found wealth also came increased immigration from neighboring cities and nations, by 862 Ammand was home to over 70,000 denizens, and the number only kept rising.   Not all of ammand's immigration fared well. Most of the city's denizens live outside of the walls, and thus ill protected; this has been further complicated with lack of proper infrastructure that proved difficult to build in the area. The sprawling of Ammand slowly began to grow out of control, and wage gaps between the working class, the nobility and the poor widened farther apart. This wage gap, combined with discrimination against nonhumanoid races, led to the formation of densly populated slums, collectively known as the Alienage. Denizens of the Alienage are undocumented and lack many of the rights other citizens have, but have become a necessity for the city which grew so large it could barely maintain its waste disposal.  

Kairoz's Return (1045 AB - current day)

On the afternoon of the 15th of Latspri 1045, Karioz's crystalline form shatters, and the Saint emerges from his chrysalis. As he begins marching towards the old palace, he massacres hundreds of clergymen, nobles, knights, and inquisitors, of whom some attempt to halt his advance and some are simply deemed as 'hypocrites, false believers who seek to aggrandize themselves over The Four, apostates in plain daylight and betrayers to the kingdom, pact, and people.'.   Kairoz and Jorad Meis, Kadia's Inquirer Primus, exchange words and the latter declares the inquisition's complete and utter loyalty to the divine legate. In response, Auspice Andoriani, the Sovereign of Ader and Kairoz's great great grandson, flees the city; he leaves it in the hands of the Order of the White Rose, hoping they would prevent what he percieves as an attempted coup d'etat. However, the order declares their allegiance to the saint, and some hours later Auspice relinquishes his role as the Regans Divina and swears fealty to him as the Envoy of The Four.   The Arch Priest of the Andorian Church then officially declares Kairoz to be Agustin Andor reborn; delegates are sent to every polity with a significant population of church followers spread the word, and all Arch Bishops and Cardinals are summoned to the holy city to participate in a special mass held by Kairoz.


Ammand is one of the important pilgrimage destinations on the continent. The city holds significant importance to adherents of the Andorian Church; first for being the former throne of Agustin Andor himself, and second for their belief of Lake Kadia to be a promised safe haven for the humanoid species. Pilgrims arriving to pay their respects to the local holy sites can visit cathedrals and join prayers or attend the monthly mass.   Those less interested in religion might be more inclined to visit the city for its political aspects, as it is home to some of the wealthiest and most influential figures in the SFLK and as such, the entire continent. Services befitting such visitors are not rare or hard to come by, but can mostly be found in somewhat segregated areas such as the upper city.   While the Aderian cuisine offers unique dishes and drinks, its dining habits are not considered as flamboyant or sophisticated when compared with those of neighbouring cultures such as the Gomuri or even the much closer Argemonti. Ammand's industry of pork and wine relies heavily of export, sending most of its high quality produce abroad. Some restaurants and other catering establishment do carry stocks of high quality ingredients, but combined with the lack of a social dining culture, very few establishments in the city centre themselves solely around food.   Ammand is also an important, and central, control point of the Kadian Highway. Despite traffic on the road dwindling due to the relative ease and safety of naval transport around the lake, those who wish to venture further inland or into the kingdom can easily find able and trustworthy escort services to accompany them in their travels.


The Old city was originally built centered around a large hill overlooking the lake. Ammand sits on top of one of the very few locations around the Aderian Peninsula, and especially the Aderian forest, with ground solid enough to support large population centers. The lands surrounding the city consist mostly of marshland and ancient forests, filled with gully terrain and wetlands.   While the soil around the city is mostly unsuitable for tall construction, it can be used to produce great quality peat, tar and oils. The dense vegetation of the marshland is also ample with wild game and very suitable for raising of root eaters such as pigs, which became a great success after being introduced to the area in the early 6th century.   The lake itself, being the biggest body of fresh water on the continent, provides a robust foundation for the city's booming fishing industry. Ammand's proximity to the lake and the Kadian Divide also allow for considerably faster deployment of fleets to protect transport and trade.


Ammand weather and climate is similar to that of most other settlements around Lake Kadia's western side. Weather changes drastically according to the seasons, but is almost constuntly humid.   During the spring the weather turns humid as the soil becomes muddy due to the rising lake overflowing into the wetlands. Autumns in and around the city are characterized by strong winds and sudden drop of temperatures during the night time. Heavy fog is also a common occurrence during the autumn mornings.   Winters, while cold and wet, rarely fall bellow freezing temperatures. Summers are often very humid but see very little rainfall with temperatures ranging between 24-31 Celsius. The vegetation surrounding the city is mostly ever-green, and changes very little between the seasons, getting more or less dense depending on the season.
Founding Date
359 BB
15,000-16,500 undocumented.
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Ruling/Owning Rank
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