Ixtaar Character in Theras | World Anvil


Ixtaar, the Menedynn god of order, law, the sun, and time, was a figure of strict but just authority. Revered by rulers, warriors, and wizards alike in ancient Menedynn, he embodied a harsh yet fair hand.   Ixtaar's devotion to law bordered on inflexibility. He cared more for the rigid wording of contracts than their spirit, a characteristic that sometimes earned him the unexpected title of "god of time" thanks to a misplaced punctuation mark in an ancient pact with another deity - presumably Labelas Enoreth. This unwavering adherence to legalities proved to be Menedynn's undoing. Despite witnessing the civilization's fall, Ixtaar felt powerless to intervene. No clause in his contracts obligated him to act, and so he did nothing.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Ixtaar's avatar, radiating golden light from his skin, appears as a slender man with silver-white hair and a short beard of about ten days. He is dressed in a long, flowing black or purple robe adorned with silver or gold trims, resembling the attire of a Magistrate. He is always equipped with two essential items: a scepter in one hand and a legal tome in the other. The scepter, known as the scepter of the eternal sun, also serves as his melee weapon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Some even believed Helios, the sun god, was merely an aspect of this long-dormant deity.   Across the land, however, the legacy of Ixtaar became twisted. The Bayjanese worshipped At'ar the Merciless, a spiteful woman rumored to have indulged in illicit affairs. This warped depiction originated from stories of Ixtaar, another god, becoming unrecognizable over time.   In truth, Ixtaar was far more cautious than the fearsome At'ar. Unlike simply recording events for certainty, he ensured meticulous documentation - contracts signed, sealed, and witnessed, mirroring the obsessive detail of the Celestial Bureaucracy. This god of order was unwavering in his principles, prioritizing law and enforcing agreements above all else. Unlike Silvanus, who concerned himself with nature's balance, Ixtaar championed the importance of keeping promises and maintaining order, even among the gods themselves.  
Fall of the Menedynn Empire
Ixtaar's inaction stemmed from a legal technicality. Divine contracts limited his power. Magic, for instance, fell under the purview of Ervenius and Corellon Larethien, and Ixtaar couldn't infringe upon their domain.   As his followers dwindled, Ixtaar's own power waned. Over a millennium, he descended from a greater deity to a lesser one, and eventually, to a mere forgotten power. He could no longer maintain his divine realm, which crumbled into nothingness.   Mortals, confused by Ixtaar disappearance, conjured various explanations. Some believed he had relocated, perhaps to another world or even a different pantheon. Others speculated he had transformed into a new entity, like the spiteful At'ar or the sun god Helios.
The Magisterial Sun;
The Lawgiver;
Keeper of Contracts;
The Unwavering Judge;
The Architect of Order;
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Law, Order, Rulership, Sun, Bureaucracy, Contracts
Law (Inevitable, Judgement, Legislation, Loyalty), Glory, Nobility, Sun (beltane, Day, Revelation, Thirst)
Sun with a face on the solar disk
Humans of the Menedynn Era, politicians, sunmasters
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Scepter of the Eternal Sun (mace)
Holy Days


Brotherhood of the Sun
This order is an association of itinerant monks who served the faithful in the field, bringing the comforting words of Ixtaar to the peasants and common folk and preserving order throughout the land. Although the Brotherhood survived the fall of Menedynn and the death of Ixtaar, it never coalesced around a proper successor. Instead, each monastery chose its own deity to serve, with most eventually gravitating to Helios or Lune, but a few choosing Helena. By the Era of Freedom, the Brotherhood of the Sun is known as the Order of the Sun Soul, and the group's original association with the church of Ixtaar had been largely forgotten. The order admits both men and women during this period, but retains its itinerant nature and ancestral focus on serving the common folk of Theras.


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