Nandorel Character in Theras | World Anvil



Seraphiriel, also known as Nandorel was a devoted paladin of Corellon Larethien. She was the mother of the first High Justice King of the Kingdom of Arasil andf sister to the Prince of Amon-Thal in 5 AB just as Arasil had named itself a kingdom after the The Narsilian Civil War.   Seraphiriel's tale is a story retold many times, both in Amon-Thal and Kingdom of Arasil, often in songs.   In addition, Seraphiriel was one of the first supporters of the Oath of Edrahil.   Perhaps, one of the most crucial parts of her life in politics, is that Seraphiel was the catalyst and cornerstone of the Arasilian and Amon-Thalian alliance, which included Eryndor and later on, several hundred years after finishing her role as a queen, soldifying the alliance with Khazad-Ram.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alot is told of the love of Seraphiriel and Elrion and how their marriage, was at first, thought political, but all accounts then, full of love.   In 150 AB, when Seraphiriel and Elrion had successfully aided the Dwarves of Khazad-Ram, Serphiriel had fought a Pit Lord single handedly on the ship with her husband. The battle was outragesouly full of destruction and Elrion was able to teleport himself away.   Elrion continued to search for his wife for the next 3 months, even employing Powerful spells and venturing to the depths himself, where, alas, he was declared missing.   Unbeknown to him, Seraphiriel had survived the wreckage and her moonblade had safeguarded her in Owhain, where magic couldn't detect her and the Sehan Elves, hadn't reconginzed her. After 6 months, she awakened and returned home to Kingdom of Arasil, bringing with her powerful relics and artifacts from Owhain after trading her Moon-blade.   Seraphiriel was in deep sorrow, but she had continued to do her duty in building Sil-Amas (then Araslon), and helping her descendents do heir duty as High Justice Kings and Queens. However she was always coming back to the shores of Narsil Bay, often via teleportation magic just to watch the sea, often hours straight and sometimes days.   It was told that when Seraphiriel was old, namely in 657 AB, even though she wasn't acting queen, she had disappeared from her maidens, casually in her basking of the Bay. Her Elven maidens mentioned in writing that she left to Arvandor after seeing flashes and visions of light.




Towards Nandorel




Towards Elrion


Other Ethnicities/Cultures
86 BB 657 AB 743 years old
Elrion (Husband)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Character Portrait image: by Jean-Pierre Levac


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