Planar Divergence Physical / Metaphysical Law in Theras | World Anvil

Planar Divergence

Planar Divergence or rather, the The Wheel Cosmology, is the theory that explains the place of the planes in the Astral Plane and how they fit together.

The Cosmology

Three Material Planes

This is the physical world where mortals dwell, also called the Prime Material Plane In addition, the Feywild and Shadowfell are material planes, which somewhat are a kind of a miror of the prime material plane.

Two Transitive Planes

These planes act as 'bridges' between other dimensions. The Ethereal Plane allows for travel between realities, the Astral Plane serves as the realm of dreams and souls.  

Six Inner Planes

The Four Elemental Planes

Fire, Air, Earth, and Water each have their own dedicated planes, representing raw elemental power.  

The Two Energy Planes

Positive and Negative Energy planes exist as the very essence of life and death.  

The Sixteen Outer Planes

These vast, layered planes are the homes of deities and powerful outsiders. Each plane embodies a specific alignment, influencing those who dwell there and they are:  
  1. Mechanus - Axis, The Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus.
  2. Arcadia - The Peaceable Kingdoms of Arcadia.
  3. Heaven - The Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia.
  4. Bytopia - The Twin Paradises of Bytopia.
  5. Elysium - Blessed fields of Elysium, sometimes referred to as Nirvana by good aligned - claiming this the true peace.
  6. The Beastlands - The Wilderness of the Beastlands.
  7. Arborea - The Olympain Glades of Arborea.
  8. Ysgard - The Heroic Domains of Ysgard.
  9. Limbo - The Maelstorm, The Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo.
  10. Pandemonium - The Windsept Depths of Pandemonium.
  11. Abyss - The Infinite Layers of the Abyss.
  12. Carceri - The Tarterian Depts of Carceri.
  13. Hades - Abaddon, The Grey Wastes of Hades.
  14. Gehenna - The Bleak Eternity of Gehenna.
  15. The Nine Hells - Hell, The Nine of Hells of Baator.
  16. Acheron - The Infernal Battlefield of Acheron.

Demi Planes

These are smaller, personalized planes often tied to specific deities or powerful entities. The number of demiplanes is limitless.


The Celestial System as we know of today, was created with the onslaught of Corellon Larethien and Gruumsh in event called The Separation of the Planes, where Gruumsh, presumably was jealous of the order of Theras, therefore, beginning the war of Chaos, throwing the world into chaos, forever shutting and disconnecting the planes from the prime material plane. During this conflict, the Moons of Theras and the sun were heavily damaged, enabling the seperation to be done.


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