Prince of Amon-Thal Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil

Prince of Amon-Thal

The Prince of Amon-Thal, also known as the Grand Arbiter of Elvenkind, Eternal Warden of Amon-Thal, Sovereign of Amon-Thal or Engima of Amon-Thal, is the Monarch of Amon-Thal.   The role of the Prince within The Althing is vital in maintaining the governance and stability of the Principality of Amon-Thal. While The Althing serves as the representative body and decision-making authority, the Prince holds a position of leadership and acts as the symbolic figurehead of the principality.   The Roles of the Prince are as follows:
  • Guiding Figure: The Prince serves as a guiding figure, providing vision, wisdom, and leadership to the principality. They are expected to possess a deep understanding of the history, culture, and values of Amon-Thal, and to embody the principles and ideals that the principality upholds.
  • Presiding Over the Althing: The Prince plays a crucial role in presiding over the sessions of the Althing. They ensure that discussions are conducted in an orderly manner, giving each member an opportunity to express their views and concerns. The Prince may provide insights, ask probing questions, and encourage meaningful dialogue among the members.
  • Addressing Concerns: As the representative of Amon-Thal, the Prince is responsible for addressing the concerns and grievances of the people. They listen to the voices of the citizens, take note of their needs and aspirations, and strive to find solutions that promote the welfare and progress of the principality.
  • Providing Counsel: The Prince serves as an advisor and counselor to the members of the Althing. They offer their expertise, experience, and guidance on matters of policy-making, governance, and strategic planning. Their role is to provide informed perspectives and ensure that the decisions made by the Althing align with the principality's long-term interests.
  • Upholding Unity and Stability: The Prince is tasked with fostering unity and stability within Amon-Thal. They promote a sense of belonging and pride among the citizens, encouraging cooperation, collaboration, and a shared commitment to the principality's well-being. The Prince's role is to ensure that the diverse interests and opinions within the Althing are harmonized for the greater good of the principality.
  • Accountability to the Althing: While the Prince holds a position of authority, they are not above the decisions of the Althing. The Prince is accountable to the Althing and must respect its decisions. This ensures that the power is balanced and that the governance of Amon-Thal remains democratic.
  • The Eternal Warden - The Prince is incharge of the Internal militia forces, Armaithil and Aerinor. This role is tradionally the role of the Prince, however it can changed via a vote in The Althing each year to switch positions with the Aran Iaur of Amon-Thal.


Every 100 year The Althing votes to appoint a new Prince of Amon-Thal. Usually, the althing appoint the Prince with its spouse, the Aran Iaur of Amon-Thal, however these things are not always possible as the Aran Iaur is not suitable or not untrainable - therefore denying the appointment of the Prince.   If the Prince is unmarried, then its spouse must be of suitable station or its marriage aren't approved by the Althing.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The Prince is removed whenever he willingly takes up for a spouse unsuitable for the role of Aran Iaur, or when the Althing decides to remove from office.
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