Aran Iaur of Amon-Thal Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil

Aran Iaur of Amon-Thal (Ah-rahn Yowr)

Aran Iaur, also known as the The Prince-Consort of Amon-Thal, with titles such as the Hope-Bringer, Elf-Jewel and Peace Bringer unlike the Prince Consort, is incharge of more civic duties.   The role of the Aran Iaur within the Kingdom is vital in maintaining the judicial system, educational and helpmate for the spouse, the Prince of Amon-Thal, for maintaining the stability of the Principality of Amon-Thal.   The Roles of the Aran Iaurs are as follows:
  • Supreme Judge - The Aran Iaur is the supreme judge of the Kingdom, also nominating all judges in all communities.
  • Minister of Education - Unlike other ministers which are appointed by The Althing, The Aran Iaur is the Minister of Education.
  • Veto Right - The Aran Iaur can veto all decisions of the Aran Iaur for a period of 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 12 month, if the votes were as follows, respectively: 95% or above, 90% or above, 75% or above, 50% of above of the decision;
  • Eternal keeper of the Mystic - The Aran Iaur, is incharge of all religion, worship.
  • Eternal Magister - The Aran Iaur, is the supreme leader of the Aelorin Sanctifiers and Thalorin Arcanum as the Aran Iaur is incharge with the keeping of education. While This role is tradionally the role of the Aran Iaur, it can changed via a vote in The Althing each year to switch positions with the Prince of Amon-Thal.
  • Chairmen of the Althing - THe Aran Iaur is the chairmen of the Althing.


Every 100 year The Althing votes to appoint a new Prince of Amon-Thal. Usually, the althing appoint the Prince with its spouse, the Aran Iaur of Amon-Thal, however these things are not always possible as the Aran Iaur is not suitable or not untrainable - therefore denying the appointment of the Prince.   If the Prince is unmarried, then its spouse must be of suitable station or its marriage aren't approved by the Althing.   If the prince dies, the Aran Iaur can choose to marry a new spouse within 10 years while a regent is ruling. If the spouse is acceptable by the Althing, then they are then continuing their role for 100 years. If not, the Aran Iaur is dimssised.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The Aran Iaur is removed whenever he willingly takes up for a spouse unsuitable for the role of Prince, or when the Althing decides to remove from office.
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