Aerinor Organization in Theras | World Anvil


The Aerinor is the name of the more superior forces of the Sel-Quessiri.   The Aeriolindars usually rides Hippogriffs, Pegasi, Great Eagles and the most prestigious of them, are sometimes lucky, either due to their heritage or great deed, have a Phoenix.


The Aerinor, are the pride of the elves on Rakion, originally using them to contact the Ethil-Quessiri  
  1. Elled - Each commanded by Aranon and consisting of 2-4 Aerin Gwellyn.
  2. Aerin Gwellyn - Each Commanded by a Aelion and consisting of 2-4 Lótes.
  3. Lóte - Each commanded by a Rondilion and consisting of 3-4 Roquels.
  4. Roquel - Each Commanded by Lindilin and consisting of 3-4 Laiquens.
  5. Laiquen - Each Commanded by a Aerondil and in addition consist of 4-5 mounts ridden by Aeriolindars


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