Rite of Twilight's Descent Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

Rite of Twilight's Descent

The Rite of Twilight's Descent was a cataclysmic event that marked the transformation of the Dark Elves into the Drow and their subsequent retreat into the Underdark. The forces of Star Elves, High Elves, Wood Elves, and Avariel Elves gathered in a strategic location to perform the ritual and confront the demonic onslaught with the aid of The Seldarine who fought and exterminated the demonic forces and fought off Lolth and her allies.   During the battle The Seldarine intervened directly, sending numerous avatars, not only in the City of Luminara, but also the whole Kingdom of Netheria, where they had destroyed all the sacrilege.

The Conflict


The battle was intense and harrowing, with the combined elven forces unleashing their powerful High Elven magic against the invading demonic hordes. The Star Elves and High Elves, masters of arcane arts, used their intricate spellcasting and ancient elven rituals to channel immense energies. They created protective barriers, summoned elemental forces, and unleashed devastating spells upon their enemies.   The battle was fierce and protracted, with both sides suffering heavy casualties. The demonic forces, driven by their insatiable hunger for destruction, outnumbered the elven defenders. The losses were significant among all elven factions, including the Avariel who fought valiantly in the skies, utilizing their aerial superiority to rain down arrows and spells upon the demons.


The Intervention of the Seldarine and the High Elven Magic was a rite that had transformed the Dark elves to Drow, forever cursing them and banishing them to the underdark.

Historical Significance


The Rite of Twilight's Descentmarked a turning point in elven history, as the Dark Elves embraced their newfound identity as the Drow and vanished into the depths of the Underdark. The surviving elven races mourned their fallen kin and were left to grapple with the consequences of the ritual and the emergence of the Drow as a formidable and enigmatic presence in the subterranean realm.
Included under Conflict
Start Date
9,450 BB
Conflict Result
Intervention of the Seldarine


Astrylond and the survivors of Aelindor and Verdantwood





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