The Shadowfall War Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

The Shadowfall War

The Shadowfall War was a cataclysmic conflict that erupted between the coalition of Wood Elves, Star Elves, and High Elves and the corrupted Dark Elves under the influence of Lolth, the Spider Queen. It was a battle between the forces of light and darkness, as the malevolent influence of Lolth sought to engulf the elven realms in shadow and chaos.

The Conflict


The war was ignited when the Dark Elves of Kingdom of Netheria, once noble and harmonious, succumbed to the insidious whispers and temptations of Lolth. Their minds twisted and their hearts filled with malice, they became agents of darkness and sought to subjugate or annihilate their elven kin. The corrupted Dark Elves launched relentless assaults on elven settlements, ravaging the lands and spreading fear and despair.   In response, the coalition of Wood Elves, Star Elves, and High Elves banded together, realizing that their survival and the preservation of elven heritage depended on unity. They formed a formidable alliance, pooling their resources, knowledge, and skills to combat the forces of darkness. The war was fought on multiple fronts, ranging from dense forests to subterranean caverns, as the elves engaged in guerrilla warfare, siege battles, and strategic assaults.


The strategies employed by the elven coalition were diverse and adapted to the unique strengths and abilities of each elven race. The Wood Elves, masters of forest warfare, employed hit-and-run tactics, utilizing their intimate knowledge of the natural world to gain the upper hand. The Star Elves, with their celestial magic, harnessed the power of the stars to unleash devastating spells and create protective barriers. The High Elves, skilled in both martial combat and arcane arts, employed disciplined formations and intricate spellcasting to counter the dark forces.   The war was grueling and took a heavy toll on both sides. It involved not only physical clashes but also battles of will and magic. The corrupted Dark Elves, bolstered by the twisted gifts of Lolth, possessed formidable dark magic and terrifying spider-like creatures that struck fear into the hearts of their enemies. However, the coalition of elven races, driven by their love for their homeland and the desire to rid their brethren of Lolth's influence, fought with unwavering determination and resilience.   In the harrowing years of the Shadowfall Wars, a series of kingdoms and realms fell under the shadowy grip of the corrupted dark elves. While the dark elves achieved significant victories, there were also tales of defiance and occasional triumph by the Sehan Elves, High Elves, and Wood Elves.


The Tactics of Kingdom of Netheria
  • Defensive Alliances: Recognizing the strength of their adversaries, the Kingdom of Netheria sought alliances with other neighboring kingdoms and factions. By forging defensive pacts and mutual support agreements, they aimed to create a united front against their common enemies. These alliances provided additional military forces, resources, and strategic support.
  • Siege Warfare: Knowing that their adversaries possessed well-fortified cities and strongholds, the Kingdom of Netheria employed siege warfare tactics. They deployed expert siege engineers and strategists to lay siege to enemy fortifications, utilizing siege towers, catapults, and trebuchets to breach walls and weaken defenses. This strategy aimed to exhaust the enemy's resources, force them into submission, or create opportunities for direct assaults.
  • Guerrilla Warfare: In the face of superior enemy forces, the Kingdom of Netheria resorted to guerrilla warfare tactics. They employed hit-and-run attacks, ambushes, and swift raids against enemy supply lines and vulnerable outposts. This strategy aimed to disrupt enemy communication, supply chains, and morale while minimizing direct confrontations.
  • Magical Supremacy: The Kingdom of Netheria had a strong tradition of arcane arts and magical prowess and innumerable demonic forces. They relied heavily on skilled wizards, sorcerers, and magical artifacts in their military campaigns. They used powerful spells to unleash devastating attacks, create illusions, manipulate the battlefield, and bolster their own forces. This magical supremacy provided them with a significant advantage in engagements against their adversaries.
  • Naval Dominance: The Kingdom of Netheria focused on naval dominance. They invested in a formidable fleet, employing advanced shipbuilding techniques, skilled sailors, and naval strategies. This allowed them to control key trade routes, conduct amphibious assaults, and support their forces with supplies and reinforcements.
  The Kingdom of Netheria were cruel and conquered everything and destroyed all in their path, hoping to be the supreme race and the economy.   For furthermore details, please see Kingdom of Netheria.  
The Tactics of the Coalition
  • Combined Arms Approach: The Coalition focused on a combined arms approach, integrating different military forces to achieve synergy on the battlefield. They coordinated the efforts of infantry, cavalry, archers, and spellcasters to create versatile and balanced armies capable of adapting to different combat situations.
  • Offensive Warfare: From the second half of the war, The Coalition favored offensive warfare, seeking to take the initiative and launch aggressive campaigns against Netheria. They aimed to capture key strategic locations, disrupt enemy supply lines, and force Netheria onto the defensive. This strategy involved launching decisive assaults, overwhelming the enemy with coordinated attacks, and exploiting weaknesses in their defenses.
  • Aerial Superiority:They deployed skilled aerial units, such as flying cavalry or spellcasters riding on flying mounts, to dominate the skies. This allowed them to conduct aerial reconnaissance, launch aerial assaults, and provide aerial support to ground forces.
  • Unity of Elven Races: The Kingdoms of Astrylond, Aelindor, and Verdantwood forged a united front, leveraging the strengths of their respective elven races. They coordinated their military efforts, shared intelligence, and pooled their resources to create a formidable alliance. This unity not only bolstered their military capabilities but also fostered trust, cooperation, and a sense of shared purpose among their forces.
  • Tactical Withdrawals: Recognizing the importance of preserving their forces, the coalition employed tactical withdrawals when faced with overwhelming enemy strength or strategic disadvantages. They would strategically retreat to regroup, reevaluate the situation, and devise new plans. These tactical withdrawals aimed to buy time, conserve resources, and allow for the reorganization of their forces to launch counteroffensives.
  • Nature's Embrace: Verdantwood embraced its deep connection with nature and employed strategies that capitalized on its natural resources and the power of the forest. They aimed to use the environment to their advantage, utilizing tactics that leveraged their knowledge of the land and their ability to manipulate natural elements.
  • Defensive Fortifications: Recognizing Netheria's aggression, Verdantwood focused on constructing fortified positions within the dense forests and natural barriers of their kingdom. They established well-hidden and heavily guarded strongholds, utilizing earthworks, tree fortifications, and camouflage techniques. These defensive fortifications aimed to protect their territories, create chokepoints for enemy advancement, and force Netheria into difficult terrain.
  • Nature Magic: The druids and spellcasters of Verdantwood wielded powerful nature-based magic. They utilized spells that tapped into the forces of the forest, such as summoning treants, manipulating plant life, or calling upon natural disasters like entangling vines or sudden thick fog. These nature magic abilities were utilized to weaken Netheria's forces, hinder their movements, and provide strategic advantages on the battlefield.
  • Covert Operations and Espionage: Verdantwood utilized covert operations and espionage to gather intelligence on Netheria's activities and weaknesses. They infiltrated enemy territory, employed spies, and used their skills in stealth to acquire crucial information. This intelligence gathering allowed them to plan targeted attacks, exploit vulnerabilities, and undermine Netheria's strategies.
  For further details, please see Aelindor, Astrylond and Verdantwood.


Ultimately, the Shadowfall War reached its climax in a decisive battle where the combined might of the elven coalition led by an elven prince named, Pyrrhosi clashed with the corrupted forces of the Dark Elves and their malevolent deity. Through valor, sacrifice, and the power of their united spirit, the coalition emerged victorious, severing the hold of Lolth over the Dark Elves and restoring balance to the elven realms.

Historical Significance


The Shadowfall Wars were a dark chapter in elven history, marked by the triumphs of the dark elves but also the resilience and determination of the Sehan Elves, High Elves, and Wood Elves. It was a tumultuous conflict where the forces of light and darkness clashed, forever shaping the fate of the elven realms.
Included under Conflict
Included Conflicts
Start Date
10,600 BB
Ending Date
9,450 BB
Conflict Result
Pyrrhic Victory ending with the Rite of Twilight's Descent


Elven Coalition
The Dark Elves




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