Rollant Sarazin Character in Theras | World Anvil

Rollant Sarazin

(a.k.a. Zin)

Rollant Sarazin is the current Judge of Aluda'ar.   He is best known for his tax reforms and also the military reforms of the state and the communications of the Holy State of Aluda'ar.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rollat was born in Aluda'ar, where he was born a free boy, only to have his hamlet burned at the age of 13 by miscreants. The bandits took Rollat into their care and have become their 'squire'. While being a small one, he was very strong for his age, becoming a ranger that hunted devious beasts in the The Frostveil Tundra, until by the age of 20 years old, he felt a calling. His friends and fellow bandits ambushed a small caravan of monks and disciples of She'eros, where he had having second thoughts. His 'friends' had not accepted his soft heart and forced him to choose between killing the innocents or die with them. He chose the latter.   While fighting for the life of the carvan and his, he had an epiphany and his battle cries caught the attention of Sybilla de Labrait who had come to the aid of the caravan, as if guided by some internal instinct. There at the year 1,037 AB, she felt that Rollant would have been her successor.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1021 AB 30 Years old
Dark Green
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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