Sybilla de Labrait Character in Theras | World Anvil

Sybilla de Labrait


Sybilla de Labrait, was the the 8th and also the predecssor of the 10th Judge of Aluda'ar.   Sybilla was nominated by She'eros to counter the effects of Herman l'Archer and to bring the alliances of the elves back together after the rift he caused against the Gontalian threat. Her job was a merciless one and alot prejudice was in the holy state, and by the year 1,030 AB, she had asked She'eros for aid as she couldn't convince the Aluda'arin to become united under her rule and as such, the god had chosen Isabellis Bourdon, a noble of Grand Duchy of Albiril and a well known Aluda'arin who was respected by all.   After Isabellis Bourdon's retirement, as it was too much for, Sybilla had finally achieved what she sought, preparing the borders of Gontal and building the fortifications of the West, so the Gontalians would be able to raid the Holy State with impunity.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
930 AB 121 Years old
Aligned Organization


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