Silent Blades of the Starlight Military Formation in Theras | World Anvil

Silent Blades of the Starlight

The Silent Blades of the Starlight, also known as SBOS, are a branch of Starlight Eyes, composing of mostly Bladesingers. Unlike the Rogues, bards, citizens, merchants, artisans of the organization, they are the only known operative force of the starlight.   The Silent Blades are feared among all the continent and they made a quick response in handling any threat.  

Assumed Activities

  • Trade agreements with Zirnyakil - The Silent Blades have made alot of efforts.
  • Burning of the Anksa Fleet in 1,011 AB
  • Bayjanese assassinations - There are many rumors of assissnation attempts in Bayjan conducted by the silent blades.
  • Several Activities in the Vales of Ameros, including sabotaging their storage and food deposits.
  • Several Activities against the Liberators of Nobility
  • Burning of poisoning over 5,000 soldiers of the Dharaek Khanate in 1,031 AB
  • Burning of over 500 Sofelian soldiers in 1 night in Dacius 1,051 AB - an act that the Dominion was blamed for and cast the blame on Amon-Thal, but no formal evidence was gathered.



The Silent Guardians, have their own set of rules, often operating in their own discretion of the field and this is mostly encouraged as many adventurers often are helping them and are working in unorthodox methods.
723 AB
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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