Sword of Mennos Building / Landmark in Theras | World Anvil

Sword of Mennos

The Sword of Mennos is a monumental magical bridge that connects both banks the The Kadian Divide. The bridge's etymology, the identity of those who made it, and its creation date, are all unknown; it predates the construction of the Ammand Keep, as Agustin Andor is said to have crossed it prior to his Conquest of Ader.


The bridge is comprised of two rows of floating stone cubes, with the west row having 2580 rocks and the east row having 1746 rocks; the rocks are clutsered at irregular intervals, each cluster having a varying number of rocks. Between the rows forms a thin layer of water that can be safely stepped upon, and seems to be able to support infinite weight without rocking, shaking, or being damaged. Seaborne vessels, regardless of size or material, freely pass through said lair in all direction, but are unable to remain in it.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
400 feet (122 meters)
10 miles (16 kilometers)


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