The Kadian Divide Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

The Kadian Divide

The Kadian Divide, also known as Kadari in cartography and The Hook in naval terms, is a massive river that spills from Lake Kadia to The Red Ocean. The river forms a natural border that divides the western land around the lake in two, with the southern side being controlled by the Kingdom of Ader and the northern side by the Kingdom of Navara.


The river is 10 miles wide, and its width remains almost constant from its origin to its mouth. The river is shallow near the lake's bank, measuring at merely 55-85 feet, compared to the 180 feet measure at it's mouth in The Red Ocean. The unnaturally consistent width led to many speculations regarding its formation, though this was considered anomalous even as far as 25,000 BB.
Alternative Name(s)
The Kadari River
Location under
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