Sylvan Veil Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Sylvan Veil

Sylvan Veil is an elven intelligence organization that operates in The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor. Their operatives specialize in forest-based espionage and gathering information from the natural world. With a deep connection to nature and the ability to blend seamlessly with their surroundings, the agents of Sylvan Veil act as guardians of the forest realm, monitoring threats, uncovering secrets, and defending the kingdom from external and internal dangers.   The Organization was founded few years after The War of Veiled Shadows because of the interest of Amon-Thal in helping their neighbors develop their own intelligence organization.   The organization acts through its natural agents, the natural creatures, fey and even the trees that report back to the organization about anything that the Sylvan Veil is after, were that enemy's movement, private conversation (using even flies) or any other thing that the Or-Quessiri are after.   The organization is rumored to be filled with Silvendal Foilage Masters.


Sylvan Veil operates as a decentralized organization with small teams working independently in different parts of Eryndor. Each team is led by a seasoned operative known as a Leafblade, who has extensive knowledge of the forest realm and its inhabitants.   The leadership of Sylvan Veil is distributed among the Leafblades, who collectively make decisions based on consensus and the guidance of the council of elders. There is no central figurehead, and the organization places great emphasis on the wisdom and experience of its members.


Sylvan Veil specializes in nature-based intelligence gathering, utilizing their deep connection to the forest and its creatures. They employ animal messengers, communicate with ancient spirits, and utilize druidic magic to uncover hidden threats and protect Eryndor's natural resources.
Founding Date
582 BB
Ruling Organization


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