Silvendal Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


Silvendal is the name for an ethnicity of Wood Elves. The Origins of those elves were in the valleys of The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor, where their cousins, the Or-Quessiri are ruling with the fey, woodland, forest creatures, and those of nature in Eryndor.   The elves of Silvendal are renowned for their profound reverence for nature and their role as guardians of the ancient forests. They possess a deep understanding of the delicate balance of life and the interconnectivity between all living things. The elven architecture harmoniously blends with the surroundings, incorporating organic elements such as winding tree branches, shimmering water features, and gentle glows emanating from the enchanted flora.   Silvendal is a society marked by a profound appreciation for art, primal music, and craftsmanship. Elven artisans are renowned for their intricate woodwork, delicate tapestries depicting the legends of their realm, and enchanting melodies played on ethereal instruments. These artistic expressions are seen as a celebration of the beauty and magic that pervades every aspect of Silvendal.   The governing structure of Silvendal is characterized by a council of wise elders, who possess centuries of knowledge and guide the society with wisdom and compassion. They make decisions by considering the long-term effects on nature and the well-being of all inhabitants. The elves of Silvendal are a peaceful and introspective people, seeking to live in harmony with their surroundings and fostering a strong sense of community, unlike their Or-Quessiri, who are more combat inclined. However, the Silvendal are highly aggressive in protecting their territory and defending the kingdom utilizing many intelligent great eagles, but without the inclination to expand their territories, unless, absolutely needed.  


The Silvendal are taking their dwellings in tree tops, natural places and living in harmony with balance.  
A Silvendal in the grove


Common Etiquette rules

Many primitive elements persist in Silvendal society. Their priests function as human druids. They also commune constantly with a pantheon of naturespirits, each representing an archetypal member of an animal species or natural phenomenon. Their warriors often go into fits of battlemadness, and some of their more eccentric druidic priests are said to be capable of changing into animal form at will.

Common Dress code

Clothing is kept to a minimum among Silvendal, although body decoration makes up for the deficiency. Tattoos, war paint, feathers, and beaded jewelry are often worn, and can be quite complex and beautiful. Although their natural arms and armor are relatively primitive, such as spears, bows, and shields, some Silvendal tribes trade with their elves cousins for swords, helmets, and other more modern items. In general, Wood elves shun full body armor, feeling that it interferes with their movement in battle.

Art & Architecture

Music and art remain in a tribal state as well. The Silvendal create few permanent works of art, but sometimes fashion brooches, torcs, armbands, and magical amulets that are carried by warriors and hunters. Songs take the form of rhythmic chants accompanied by drums, flutes, and other instruments. Modern instruments such as the harp and shalaquin are slowly gaining acceptance among the Silvendal.   As noted, body decoration is common among the Silvendal. The art of tattooing with the aid of a sharp needle of wood or bone is also well-developed, and carries considerable mystical significance. Tattoos often represent an individual's own personal spirit-animal. More influential creatures, such as the eagle, bear, and salmon, bring considerable respect from other Wood elves.


Courtship Ideals

The Silvendal are living in a commune, when they choose their mates. They believe that everyone is free to choose their family and having multiple lover is a common practice, often times, but not common, having bisexual or homosexual relationships as free as their chaotic hearts allow.   The Silvendal consider their family as a Tree, and each part of the grownups as Branches, while the children are known as Saplings.   In the Tree, the Branches take care of the Saplings until they grow up and then drafted into military service for the kingdom of Eryndor for training and then later, choosing their lives as they learned during their numerous years. Trees that are outside the kingdom, usually take on ranger duties and helping villages or elven communities with this sense of duty.   A person thats leaves his Tree, whether by their choice or his, is considered a Flower. A person who commited a terrible crime and is exiled from the tribe, city by the council of elders, is considered A Wilting Leaf.


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