Thalindorion's Lossë Vehicle in Theras | World Anvil

Thalindorion's Lossë

Thalindorion's Lossë is a ship used mostly in trades for the Elven Kingdom of Amon-Thal.   Its hull itself has pieces of Living Wood and it has specially crafted keel, allowing it to sail swiftly and escape most military and pirate ships. The Technology itself is rumored to be alien, as some experts from Sophia-Hold claiming it comes from the lands of the Daoin Quessir, even the Sel-Quessiri claim this is flase and they are the original creators of the Talindorion's Lossë.


The Ships is usually equipped with Windeaver Sails, which enables them to propel themselves in both shallow waters and deep oceans.
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