The Dales Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Dales

The Dales, The Most serene Republic, is a most intriguing republic, held by seemingly chaotic rules, but in the truth, highly efficient in thier dealings.


The new ruling class of the Dales, the monks of Nyx, have ascended to prominence and hold significant influence over the society. These monks, known for their devotion to the deity Nyx and their mastery of stealth, agility, and martial arts, have assumed positions of power within the republic.


The society of the Dales has transformed into a diverse amalgamation of rogues, thieves, warriors, and skilled individuals. With the absence of paladins and the rise of the monks of Nyx, the Dales have embraced a more unconventional approach to governance and societal norms. The ruling class relies on cunning, secrecy, and calculated maneuvers to maintain their authority, while the general populace comprises a mixture of skilled fighters, resourceful rogues, and cunning individuals who navigate the intricacies of this new social order.   The Dales have become a place where survival of the fittest is a prevailing principle. It is a land where wit, skill, and adaptability are highly valued, and where individuals must rely on their own abilities to thrive. While the outlawing of paladins and the prominence of rogues and thieves may initially appear chaotic, the society of the Dales has its own set of codes and rules that govern the interactions among its members. Honor among thieves and the respect for skill and cunning are highly regarded, creating a unique social fabric that has adapted to this new era.


The Dales were once ruled by paladins but by The Gods War, the Autocracy underwent a significant transformation after a plot aided by Masech, Nyx, and Khaziba resulted in the overthrow of the knights and paladins of the realm. In the aftermath, the Dales became a most serene republic, but one marked by a stark shift in power dynamics and the outlawing of paladins within their lands. As a result, paladins are hunted ferociously by the ruling class, which surprisingly consists of the monks of Nyx.


Despite the changes, the influence of Nyx, the deity revered by the ruling class, permeates the society of the Dales. The monks of Nyx serve as both spiritual guides and enforcers of the republic's laws.
Founding Date
211 BB
Predecessor Organization
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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