The Inequitars Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Inequitars

The Inequitars are former agents of The Lexitar Order that are employed by the Kadian Dominion and tasked with assassinations where the SFLK would rather have its intervention go unnoticed. The group operates under the Kadian Intelligence Services, and is used by both the Kingdom of Ader and the Kingdom of Navara .


The role of inequitar was created following The Great Kadian Split, specifically as result of the assassination of Gareth Verhill during the War of the Cleric. Back then, the inequitars was a cognomen of a group of Kaviri lexitars that were somewhat loyal to Castor Aylard and his cause, especially his aid to Kairoz the Andorian in his war against Tobias Malion.   The group was among the most active lexitar groups during the Kadian Split, sometimes carrying multiple assassinations in a day. While effective, the group became notorious for their methods, including false flag operations, kidnapping and killing of messengers, and even regicide. This reputation, along with the negative light that began to wash over the Lexitar Order at the time, led to the group becoming separated from the order and working directly under the future Divine Legate.   After the marriage of Reseah Artzmit and Raikor Bneurling, which established the SFLK, the group was completely separated from the Lexitar Order, as well as the Order of the White Rose. Instead, it began working directly under the Kadian Intelligence Services as a contractor, although one that is forced to work solely with members of the SFLK.

Aequitas est in Venatia

Founding Date
730 AB
Military, Special Operations Force
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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