The Pax Regnorum Document in Theras | World Anvil

The Pax Regnorum

The Pax Regnorum is a peace agreement between the Kadian Dominion and the Corgomuran Free Cities. It was signed in the border the two polities share in the Kaviri Highlands.


The Pax Regnorum is to serves as a permanent peace agreement between both polities. This includes full trade, no military conflicts, and a free but regulated border passage. To ensure its permanency, it was carved into a large boulder in the Kaviri Highlands on the border between the Kingdom of Saltis and the Corgomuran Free Cities; this was then lithographed into several copies to be held by each of the signatories.

Document Structure


Any act of clearly politically motivated aggression will incur a complete monetary or proportional compensation, with an additional total of 160,000 ounces of Gold, 300,000 ounces of Silver, 350,000 ounces of copper, and 2,400,000 ounces of iron.   Renegotiation must be made with a concrete proposal in public draft and two more private drafts. Refusal to enter renegotiation counts as a politically motivated affront, imposing a compensations of 80,000 ounces of Gold, 20,000 ounces of Silver.   The fine paid for violating the accord, roughly 600,000 gold pieces, could completely cripple a smaller kingdom's economy; while both the SFLK and Free Cities can afford to pay this amount without going into debt, it is still enough to cause noticable financial difficulties and will very likely stir internal conflicts between their constituent polities.

Historical Details


There are two cases in which the Pax Regnorum is to be abolished:
  • The carvings on the stone upon which it was written would erode away, roughly 2,500 years in the climate where it is located.
  • Upon the fifth transgression by a member of one of the parties which has not been properly dealt with by the other members of said party.

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