The Sixth Azaraki Peace Wars Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

The Sixth Azaraki Peace Wars

The Sixth Azaraki Peace Wars is another war that The Ranas of Bayjan that their shamans initiated and supported.

The Conflict


This war was initiated when the Bayjanese shamans had found the demi-plane of the Azaraks where they had tried to steal forces from Soryna, ever weakening her.


When the War arrived on Xilon, the Old Ansko Empire had stood there valiantly and destroyed many of their fortresses and had convinced the Platinum God to intervene and on his behest, the forces of the upper planes entered and they convened in öLond Celtira, where they had formed the celestial kingdom and from there, created a coalition that included many of the kingdoms where they had had destroyed every Azarak and drove the Azarspawns to the Underdark.
Included under Conflict
Start Date
600 BB
Ending Date
510 BB
Conflict Result
Defeat of the Ranas of Bayjan and the Founding of Heiligstes König Reich Celtira


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