Velahrn Ath Rûn ent ther Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Velahrn Ath Rûn ent ther

The Velahrn Ath Rûn ent ther is the name of the Air and Lands forces of Eryndor.


The Arhest is the supreme commander and is the one incharge of coordination both within the Velahrn Ath Rûn ent ther and Mauime- -o eccaia. The Armies are structured as follows:  
  1. Verca imeúre- Each commanded by Hesto-Ilquárea and consisting of 2-4 Calanors.
  2. Calanor- Each commanded by Argwarieg and consisting of 2-4 Lithlands.
  3. Lithland - Each commanded by Gwarieg and consisting of 2-4 Gelithils.
  4. Gelithil - Each commanded by a Roquen and consisting of 2-8 Tindomers.
  5. Tindomer - Each commanded by a Dul Heru and consisting of 2-3 Edhrims.
  6. Edhrim - Each commanded by a Dul Tire, aided by Theniak and additional 4-6 Aches.
  Unless mentioned otherwise, each units are simple infantry, missile, cavalry. However, sometimes there might be references to other formations, including but not limited to:    
Mounts in the Air Forces
It should be mentioned that the Silvendal use Giant Eagles as they seem to connect with them more, rather than the Or-Quessiri, who are somewhat more 'noble' for the use of Giant Hawks.


While the Silvendal are training in the military for 10 years (those who are capable), the Or-Quessiri, are also continuing to volunteer every 2 years for 2 months. While the Silvendal, usually volunteer in the police force.     The Velahrn Ath Rûn ent ther is also conducting various training in Strategos Ascendant Institute with various allies such as Arasilian Grand Military Orders , The Hosts of Amon-Thal and Khazad-Ram regularly against potential threats.


The Corps are usually aiding themselves on many Warhealers, foilage masters and other fey creatures.   In the rare occasions, they deploy Elementals in order to wreck havoc or commence special operation.
Leader Title
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