The War of House Ugran Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

The War of House Ugran

In 970 AB, 3 warchieftains of The Khagnate of Uglan had raided many southern cities and committed atrocities all in their path, until reaching Exinlua, the capital city. While in this it might have been wiser to fight the encroaching horde, but the houses of the kingdom, had long been fighting their Dreadful King as he was a mad and vicious king. The Houses of the kingdom had implored Amon-Thalfor help, so a rising knight of the Order of the Platinum Lion from Rhovanion, and Amon-Thal while reluctant, had made such arrangement as Rhovanion was a vassal state of Arasil and they had wanted to outreach to the east again and Amon-Thal had traded that safe passage for enormous lands of Septoland.
Start Date
970 AB
Ending Date
973 AB
Conflict Result
Victory and forming of House Ugran and founding the eight kingdoms


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