Vadenia Character in Theras | World Anvil


Vadenia is an important figure inside the church of Elistraee. She was always on the front lines.   Even though she advocates for equality, she still suffers from the education of her as being a priest of Lolth, only to respect power in males.   Vadenia is a diplomat of Zirnyakil currently in Hirch Thani.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vadenia was a noble daughter of a high priestess of Lolth. She was found to be highly connected to the divine, and as such, her mother joyfully inducted her to become a member of the clergy of the most illustrous Lolth. However, Vadenia couldn't have herself become a fully pledged priestess of Lolth. Upon her initiation, she had to sacrifice many humanoids in the name of the Supreme deity, Lolth, but she couldn't do it. Instead, she had ordered her younger brother escort her to the city gates, where he was killed, or atleast she thought him to had been killed.   Deperately, she escaped to the surface, barely knowing a word to communicate. She had many years to become familiar with the faith of Elistraee.
Date of Birth
30 Lizizil
Year of Birth
950 AB 101 Years old
Topaz coloured
Aligned Organization


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