Vergadain Character in Theras | World Anvil

Vergadain (VUR-guh-dain)

Vergadain, known as the dwarven god of wealth, luck, and trickery. He is revered among dwarves as the patron of merchants, traders, and adventurers who seek fortune through cunning and cleverness. Vergadain is often depicted as a jovial figure, fond of revelry and enjoying the spoils of his followers' success. Despite his association with trickery and deceit, he is generally viewed favorably by dwarves, who believe that wealth acquired through hard work and shrewdness is a worthy pursuit.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The holy symbol of Vergadain's faith is a single, impressive gold coin. Uniquely, these coins cannot be minted specifically for religious purposes; they must be acquired through legitimate trade. Furthermore, whenever a priest encounters another gold coin of similar value that catches their eye (typically at least once a month), they are expected to exchange their current holy symbol for the new one. This practice reflects the ever-shifting nature of wealth and the importance of recognizing valuable opportunities.  

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Vergadain's clergy is dedicated to propelling dwarven commerce, particularly with humans, but always to the advantage of dwarves. Expected to be personally successful, these priests maintain Vergadain's temples in opulent style. Their ultimate goal: to expand dwarven influence and prosperity in the world. This translates to bolstering dwarven craftsmanship, weaponry, and ingenuity.   Outside dwarven society, his followers are viewed with suspicion – respected for their business acumen, yet envied for their wealth and distrusted for their shrewd practices. This perception leads many dwarves to keep their devotion to Vergadain a secret. Thankfully, the Merchant King is a pragmatic deity. He values proper sacrifices over public declarations of faith, allowing his followers to discreetly maintain their reverence when social situations require it. Vergadain's priests often collaborate with clergy of other dwarven gods, such as Dumathoin and even Orosaban to achieve their goals.  

Day-to-Day Activities

The Donations on Vergadain's alar, are used strategically to help financially distressed dwarven merchants escape debt, grease the wheels of trade and ultimately, elevating the importance and status of all dwarves within the world.  


Vergadain's temples are designed to resemble impregnable vaults, reflecting the value he places on wealth and security. These windowless chambers can be found either embedded within dwarven strongholds or built as freestanding fortresses on the surface. The temple interior is a dazzling display of wealth. Countless coins, jewels, and other treasures – rivaling even a dragon's hoard in value – are meticulously guarded. A complex network of magical and non-magical traps ensures only the authorized can access these riches. The central chamber features a distinctive design element – massive stone cauldrons that serve as altars. Above each cauldron hangs a gigantic gold coin, fully five feet in diameter. These colossal coins are more than decoration; they are magical guardians. Any unauthorized creature attempting to remove an offering from a cauldron triggers the wrath of the guardian coin. A barrage of lightning bolts and magical missiles erupts to deter would-be thieves. Neutral or chaotic neutral individuals can bypass this magical defense by whispering a specific password to the guardian coin before retrieving an item. However, obtaining this password is a significant challenge. Only the temple's most senior priest and Vergadain himself know the current password, and it can be swiftly changed, leaving hopeful plunderers empty-handed.  


  • Destitute
    New initiates into Vergadain's faith are known as the Destitute. They dedicate themselves to learning the principles of trade and accumulating wealth for the glory of the Merchant King.
  • Hurndor
    Upon completing their training, novices become full-fledged priests, officially joining the ranks of the Hurndor. These dwarven merchants wield their economic influence and bargaining skills.
  • As Vergadain's priest gain experiience and amass wealth, they progreess through the following inside the clergy:
  • Alloyn
    These priests demonstrate a talent for identifying valuable opportunities and securing profitable ventures.
  • Copprak
    Priests of this rank excel at negotiation, striking shrewd deals that benefit both dwarven commerce and Vergadain's coffers.
  • Argentic
    These priests oversee the flow of wealth within Vergadain's temples, ensuring the security and strategic use of its vast resources.
  • Electrol
    Priests of this rank become influential figures within dwarven trade guilds, wielding their economic power to shape markets and expand dwarven commercial interests.
  • Aurak
    These high-ranking priests are masters of trade and finance. They advise dwarven leaders on economic matters and manage Vergadain's most valuable assets.
  • High Aurak
    The most esteemed leaders of Vergadain's clergy are the High Aurak. These dwarven merchant lords wield immense economic influence, shaping the flow of wealth across the realm. They are also known as Merchant Princes, reflecting their power and prestige.

Priestly Vestments

Vergadain's priests are known for their ostentatious attire. They favor luxurious robes, adorned with gemstones and trimmed with expensive furs, leaving no doubt about their wealth and status. A string of hefty gold coins, a symbol of their devotion, is draped prominently over their shoulders and necks. While color choices vary, gold and deep purple are a bold statement in regions where sumptuary laws permit them.   For ceremonial occasions, The Hurndor dons ornate armor, a visually impressive display of both wealth and martial prowess. A gem-studded gorget emblazoned with the god's symbol completes the ensemble. Elaborately decorated helms are a further testament to their dedication. Senior priests are expected to have their ceremonial armor lavishly plated in gold, a mark of distinction within the clergy. Even junior priests strive to achieve this symbol of status.   Underneath their opulent robes, Vergadain's clergy prioritize practicality. They wear comfortable leather armor, providing a measure of protection without causing offense to potential trading partners who might interpret heavier armor as a sign of distrust. When venturing into dangerous situations, Vergadain's priests can shed their ostentatious attire and don armor. A helm and a gorget bearing the god's symbol complete this more utilitarian ensemble.   Most Vergadain priests favor small, easily concealed weapons such as daggers, knives, and short swords. This armament allows them to defend themselves if necessary without appearing overly belligerent during business negotiations.  
The Hurndor pray at noon, during the most important time of business for spells. Whenever they assist a dwarven merchant or craftsperson, or handle any material wealth, they utter a quiet prayer in Vergadain's name, a constant murmur of homage that fuels the Merchant King's power. Many devout dwarves follow this practice as well, integrating these whispers into their daily routines. This widespread devotion is the foundation of Vergadain's daily worship. n addition to the regular Gilded Galas, an Aurak may declare additional holy days. These special celebrations often coincide with significant trade agreements or economic victories, further solidifying the connection between faith and commerce in Vergadain's worship.

Tenets of Faith

  • Fortune Favors the Bold
    Wealth and good luck are rewards for hard work, shrewd thinking, and unwavering dedication to one's craft. Vergadain smiles upon those who take initiative and seize opportunities.
  • Cunning and Coin
    A keen mind and a silver tongue are tools blessed by Vergadain. His followers strive to be clever negotiators, always seeking the best bargains and maximizing profit.
  • The Flow of Gold
    Life is meant to be savored. While saving is prudent, Vergadain's faithful also understand the importance of spending and giving. Tithing to the temple and indulging in well-earned luxuries keeps the wheels of commerce turning and Vergadain's blessings flowing.
  • Respectful Rivalry
    All interactions, from casual greetings to complex trade deals, require respect. However, Vergadain's worshippers have a duty to themselves and their god to secure the best deal possible. A shrewd bargain is not a betrayal, but a test of one's skills and a tribute to Vergadain's favor.
  • Honor in Every Coin
    Dishonesty has no place in Vergadain's worship. His followers strive for fair deals, building trust and fostering long-term trading relationships that bring prosperity to dwarvenkind. Through honest dealings and clever negotiation, Vergadain's glory is spread throughout the land.


Gilded Galas
Twice a month, on the days before and after a full Sehanine, the Hurndor faithful celebrate what they call Gilded Galas. Cynics outside the faith refer to these events as "trade moots", recognizing the commercial opportunities they present. In the lead-up to a Gilded Gala, Vergadain's followers engage in a frenzy of activity. They strive to maximize their profits through sales and negotiations, aiming to make grand displays of wealth at the festivities. This surge in economic activity often leads to last-minute bargains for savvy shoppers, further fueling the commercial spirit of the occasion. The Gilded Galas themselves are opulent affairs. Dwarves adorned with their finest jewelry and clad in richly embroidered garments gather to celebrate Vergadain's blessings. Offerings of gold are placed upon altars dedicated to the Merchant King, a public display of devotion and personal success.

Personality Characteristics


Unlike many dwarven deities associated with stoicism, Vergadain possesses a surprisingly beautiful singing voice. This melodic side reflects the rhythmic nature of trade and the joy of a successful deal. Vergadain is a skilled trickster, adept at disguise and mimicry. This ability allows him to move unseen through the world, observing the flow of commerce and ensuring fair trade practices. In addition, he is a talented poet, weaving cryptic verses and rhymes that hold clues to hidden treasures. His faithful decipher these riddles, embarking on quests to uncover the riches he has concealed.   Vergadain is renowned for his perpetual good humor. He embodies the joy of a thriving economy and the satisfaction of a well-struck bargain, a stark contrast to the more stern demeanor of other dwarven gods. Some claim his constant cheerfulness surpasses even the capacity of the most jovial dwarf!   Legend whispers that Vergadain possesses an incredible ability – he can peer into the minds of any creature within ten feet of the moment his name is spoken. This keen awareness allows him to keep a watchful eye over dwarven commercial endeavors. On occasion, when treachery threatens a devout dwarf, Vergadain might intervene with a vision or a physical manifestation, safeguarding them from harm.


Contacts & Relations

Vergadain enjoys positive relations with most members of the dwarven pantheon, the Morndinsamman. Vergadain maintains a cautious but necessary truce with Orosaban, the embodiment of greed. He recognizes that a healthy dose of ambition can drive economic progress, but keeps a watchful eye to ensure Orosaban's influence doesn't lead to destructive avarice.   Vergadain actively cultivates relationships with a wide range of deities and powerful beings beyond the dwarven pantheon - espacially Avandra. Through trade and diplomacy, he has forged connections that benefit dwarvenkind and promote prosperity throughout the realms. This outward-looking approach stands in contrast to many other dwarven gods who tend to be more insular.
Merchant King;
The Master of Markets;
The Coin Lord;
The Gilded Hand;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Dwarvish Mountain
Subservient Deities
Wealth, luck, chance, nonevil thieves, suspicion, trickery, negotiation, sly cleverness
Dwarf, Luck (Fate, Gambling), Travel (Exploration, Trade), Trickery (Deceptioin, Greed, Innuendo)
Gold Piece
Dwarves, merchants, rogues, wealthy individuals
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Holy Days


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