Dumathoin Character in Theras | World Anvil

Dumathoin (doo-muh-thoe-in)

Dumathoin reigns supreme as the patron deity of mountain dwarves. He oversees the art of mining and exploration within the earth's depths, ensuring the safety and security of all miners, regardless of race. A protector of the dwarven dead, Dumathoin also acts as a gatekeeper of the earth's secrets. He reveals hidden veins of precious metals - iron, copper, gold, silver, and mithral - to deserving and diligent dwarves, ensuring his followers have the resources they need to prosper.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Dwhewn Culture
Not everyone appreciates the beauty and balance Dumathoin fosters within the mountains. Greedy miners exploit these resources with reckless abandon, causing significant damage. These defilers face the wrath of the Talhund, Dumathoin's vigilant clergy, which fulfil a multifaceted role: Protectors, Explorers, Conservators, Exterminators of dangerous underground creatures.  
Non-Dwhewn Culture
Since the Fall of the Nahrso Empire and coincidently The Second Sun, production and mining or ores was highly sought after in Theras. Many humans took upon mining to their heart and naturally, found solace in Dumathion's care, or as they call him "Dumas" and themselves Dumasi.    

Day-To-Day Activities

Dwhewn Culture
Dumathoin's clergy are custodians of the mountain's riches. They mine resources while preserving the underworld's beauty. They manage rubble, cultivate fungi, and direct water flow to sustain the thriving ecosystem.   The Talhunds are driven by curiosity. They explore uncharted passages, seeking new resources and knowledge. However, they also act as protectors, strategizing against the dangers lurking in the depths.   Understanding the importance of shared resources, the Talhunds forge alliances with peaceful underdark races. Through diplomacy, they promote responsible resource management for all inhabitants of the deep earth.   A Talhund's knowledge is invaluable. They guide through darkness, locate resources, and identify escape routes. As protectors of the dead, they ensure respectful passage and safeguard dwarven tombs, their secrecy as enduring as the mountains themselves. They also operate as Architects and are in charge of construction.  
Non-Dwhewn Culture
The Dumasi are expected to be whenever mining operations are commencing, ongoing, providing appraisal, consulting services and even operating the mines themselves. Many Dumasi are working jointly with Talhund aswell and they sometimes show the same qualities. The Dumasi are usually more social than the Talhund toward outsiders and they regards mining as essential for the day-to-day life. For the most part, They do not have good relations with druids, as they are not connected to the earth as the dwarves themselves, but out of necessity and occupation. Unlike Talhund, they do not see thsmelseves as protectors or guides orf the dead. Like a Talhund, they operate as Architects and are in charge of construction.  

Priestly Vestments

Dumathoin's clergy prioritize practicality. They favor leather armor and gear, well-suited for both mining and combat. Unlike most dwarves, they keep their heads unadorned and wear earth-toned cloaks over simple clothing. Their long hair and beards remain untamed, a symbol of their devotion to the untamed earth. A miniature silver pick serves as their holy symbol.   When conflict arises, Dumathoin's priests shed their work attire for the most effective armor and weaponry available. While they favor picks, hammers, and other mining tools in combat, their training ensures proficiency in a wider range of weapons.   The Dumasi follow the same practice, respectively.  


Dwhewn Culture
  • The Uncut
    These novices are still honing their skills and devotion.
  • Keepers of the Mountain
    Having taken the Silent Vow, they become full priests, sworn protectors. Their ranks progress through gemstones, signifying increasing experience and power: Agate, Onyx, Amethyst, Jargoon, Garnet, Topaz, Opal, Sapphire, and Diamond.
  • Stonesingers
    These are the highest ranking priests, revered for their wisdom and leadership. Many also hold unique titles reflecting their individual accomplishments.
Non-Dwhewn Culture
The Dumasi hierarchy has adopted that of the Talhund, whom respect the different hierarchy, however their names and purpose are as such:
  • Uncut
    The same as dwarves, they are unchanged.
  • Keeper of the Gems
    The Gems, unlike the mountains, are not taking vows of silent, but are usually contractors or important figure that is more attuned to the earth, almost akin to a dwarf, but not equal. They see themselves as second to Keeper of the mountains, though they do not take commands from them.
  • Stoneshapers
    Stoneshapers, are the only ones who can be truly considered expert as dwarves in mining, only second to Stonesingers. The Stoneshapers see themselves second to the Stonesingers, and unlike keeper of the Gems, do respect the Stonesingers.


Dumathoin's clergy construct their temples deep within the most impressive caverns, often near a rich vein of precious metal or a dazzling gem bed. These natural treasures remain untouched within the temple, serving as a permanent testament to the local clan leader's devotion to the Silent Keeper.   Dumathoin's temples, unlike his widespread worship among mountain dwarves, are uncommon sights for other dwarven subraces, except for the hill dwarves who occasionally build them. These sacred sites, constructed by Dumathoin's clergy, are carved deep within the earth's heart, often positioned near a magnificent vein of precious metal or a dazzling bed of gems. These untouched resources serve as a permanent testament to the local clan leader's devotion to the Silent Keeper.   The heart of each temple features a simple altar, constructed from natural boulders or massive stone blocks. The walls are adorned with statues depicting Dumathoin's various aspects, a silent testament to the god's multifaceted nature.   In addition, many temples are acting as breweries.  


Dumathoin's clerics pray for spells in the morning.  
Burial Customs
Dumathoin's clergy adheres to three core principles for burials:  
  1. Cleansing and Markings: The body is washed and adorned with three stone tokens braided into the beard: the deceased's personal mark, the clan mark, and Dumathoin's holy symbol.
  2. Armored for Eternity: Regardless of profession, every dwarf enters the afterlife prepared. The deceased is clothed in their own armor or a light suit of burial armor.
  3. Song of Remembrance: A priest crafts a song honoring the dwarf's life and deeds. This song is permanently etched onto the final resting place, a silent tribute to the departed. These songs are never spoken or sung aloud, for it is believed to be a sacrilege that could unleash a curse or reanimate the deceased.
    While these core practices provide the foundation, there are also Clan traditions to account, as individual clans may incorporate additional ceremonies or elaborate on the tomb's construction to honor esteemed dwarves.     In general, there are simply more ceremonies, and more attention is paid to the construction of the tomb. The following are some specific variations that might be found in the burials of important dwarves:  
  • Priests: The burial of a priest is a complex process, incorporating elements of Dumathoin's worship and their specific deity. Their tombs are well-guarded, filled with offerings and tokens left by friends and followers. For priests of Angradd or Moradin, their greatest foe may be interred alongside them, ensuring an eternal afterlife battle. Additionally, powerful spells are woven into the burial process to safeguard the remains, offerings, and perhaps even prevent the gods from reclaiming their servants after their time.
  • Allies in Honor: Clan allies of any race who die defending the clan, the tomb, or a sacred site of Dumathoin may be granted the honor of burial within the dwarven tombs.
  • Wizards' Rest: A peculiar custom dictates that deceased wizards are laid to rest in robes woven from silver and sealed within solid silver sarcophagi. This tradition stems from an ancient myth where Dumathoin supposedly paid Mystra in silver to protect dwarven tombs from disruptive magic. While the truth behind the myth is debatable, the practice endures.
  • Outcast Farewells: For clan outcasts, finding a priest willing to officiate their burial is a challenge. When it does occur, their beards lack the clan mark, and their markers depict the broken symbols of their former affiliation.

Tenets of Faith

  • Traverse the silent depths, Dumathoin's domain, with reverence.
  • Uncover the hidden treasures and secrets entrusted to Dumathoin.
  • Preserve the preciousness of what lies hidden, for true value lies in its discovery, not mere possession.
  • Enhance the natural beauty of the deeps, working with the mountain's contours, not against them.
  • Protect the resting places of our forefathers. Let no thief or defiler disturb their eternal peace.
  • Spurn the existence of undead creatures, especially those mockeries that mimic Moradin's dwarven creations.


Moonstone's Embrace
Nights of new moons and the surrounding days hold special significance, known collectively as the Moonstone Embrace. During this time, the Sehanine is symbolically "hidden deep beneath the surface", mirroring Dumathoin's domain within the earth. These holy days are marked by offerings of gems and jewels at altars dedicated to the Silent Keeper. During these three holy days, dwarves celebrate Dumathoin's dominion within the earth. Offerings of gems and jewels are presented at altars dedicated to the Silent Keeper.   The gems sacrificed to Dumathoin are not simply offerings – they are transformed into a potent paste. Priests combine pulverized gemstones with specific herbs and fungal secretions. This resulting purple-and-green concoction, though pungent, has remarkable properties. It makes rock more porous, allowing plants to take root and flourish. Using buckets of this "Earthsblood Paste", Dumathoin's clergy meticulously paint the walls and ceilings of the underdark, cultivating fungi and other plant life. This beautification project is usually used to enhance the Underground Environment, Concealment and Resource Management.   It should be noted that in non-dwhewn culture, they do celebrate this holidays, only to have moonstone's embrace refer to Luna and not Sehanine  
Vein of Glory
High-ranking priests declare a Vein of Glory when dwarves make significant discoveries like a major ore deposit, a lost treasure trove, or a groundbreaking new delve. These days are marked by grand celebrations in honor of Dumathoin's bounty.   Like the Dwhewn, the non-Dwhewn do celebrate it, respectively.  
Ember's Embrace[/h4 During Harvest, the clergy takes alot of effort and distribute wine, beer, alcohol to all, both non-believers and believers. These holiday last for a 10 days.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before the first dwarven pickaxe struck the earth, in a time known as the Quiet Years, Dumathoin, the silent deity, prepared the mountains for his chosen people. Appointed as their patron by Moradin himself, Dumathoin meticulously placed veins of precious metals and crafted countless vibrant gems, imbuing his realm with breathtaking beauty.   When the first mountain dwarves arrived, their mining activities inadvertently marred Dumathoin's pristine creation. This initially sparked his wrath. However, as he witnessed the dwarves transforming his raw materials into magnificent weapons, intricate crafts, and stunning jewelry, his anger subsided. These creations filled him with a sense of pride, for they embodied the ingenuity and potential of his chosen people.   He guides precious mineral veins towards shield dwarf settlements, safeguarding both his creations and the well-being of his devoted followers.


Contacts & Relations

Bound by a shared respect for the earth's bounty and dwarven resilience, Dumathoin finds strong allies among the dwarven pantheon. Callarduran Smoothhands, the god of craftsmanship, offers camaraderie in innovation, while Cyrrollalee, the goddess of hearth and home, fosters a sense of community within the mountain holds. Grumbar, the god of caverns and earthquakes, ensures the very foundations of dwarven civilization remain stable. Flandal Steelskin, the protector and warrior deity, stands alongside Dumathoin in safeguarding dwarven settlements. Segojan Earthcaller, the goddess of agriculture, ensures the earth yields its bounty to sustain the dwarven people. Sehanine Moonbow, the moon goddess, cloaks their endeavors in mystery, while Skoraeus Stonebones, the god of death, watches over their ancestral halls. Urogalan, the god of metalwork and mining, shares Dumathoin's dominion over the earth's riches. This camaraderie extends beyond the dwarven pantheon. Dumathoin welcomes nondwarven gods of mining and smithing, forging alliances based on a shared respect for the earth's industry.   However, not all deities share Dumathoin's peaceful outlook. Abbathor's bitter rivalry burns on, fueled by jealousy. Laduguer, the god of the underdark, represents a constant threat to dwarven delves. Urdlen, the god of fire and destruction, embodies the chaos that Dumathoin strives to contain. The gods revered by dwarven enemies – those of goblins, kobolds, orcs, and evil giants – are natural adversaries. Finally, while Dumathoin maintains an uneasy neutrality with Ilsensine, the god of the illithids, their followers clash fiercely within the depths of the earth.
Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain;
The Silent Keeper;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Alcohol, Buried wealth, ores, gems, mining, exploration, Mountain dwarves, guardian of the dead, Architecture
Artifice, Dwarf, Earth, Knowledge, Protection, Plant (Agriculture, Growth), Repose
Faceted gem inside a mountain
Dwarves, gemsmiths, metal-smiths, miners, Architects
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“Magmahammer” [mattock] (maul)
Holy Days
Moonstone Embrace, Veins of Glory, Ember's Embrace


Knights of the Mountain Shield The Knights of the Mountain Shield, based in Citadel Barad-Hin, is an order of 300 Dumathan Crusaders. These elite dwarven warrior priests serve as the honor guard of dwarven kingdom. Each Dumathan knight is sworn to serve the Mountain Shield as protector of the Mountain dwarves, whom Dumathoin is forever pledged to protect.


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