Yamanti Alldorie Character in Theras | World Anvil

Yamanti Alldorie

Yamanti Alldorie is the current heir to house Alldorie Swordlords in Arasil, and a major leader of the separatist movement of the non-Arasilisch from Kingdom of Arasil.   During her youth, Yamanti was involved in an ill-fated mission to the The Staglands to dispose of a bandit gang. Although the group succeeded in uprooting the gang and killing it's monstrous leader. Most of the group died with Jamandi and Ezvanki Keeg being the only survivors.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Following the victory of the Morning Stars in the Battle of Hirch Thani and their Nomination as the Barons of Hirch Thanni, she had come to take more complaisant stance on her will to seperate from the Kingdom of Arasil.
Parents (Adopting)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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