Swordlords of Aldorii Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Swordlords of Aldorii

Orignally and currently, an esteemed establishment and academy and training of the art of the sword. The Swordlords of Aldorii are among the dealiest foes to ever set foot. Their style had originated from the swordmasters of Arasil, only to be passed to Neomen.   The Swordlords are known for their revolutionary ideas to have independence from the Arasilian regime.


The Swordlords are professional, first and foremost - where the 'leader' of the house is referred to as "The Edge". The Members of the family are considered "Blades", the servants and employees of the house are "Hilts" or "Pommels".  
Becoming a member of House Aldorii
Becoming a house is not a matter of biology and inheritance. Each member is 'adopted' into the family after A Blade nominates it and the Edge Approves it. It is rare, but not uncommon that a person is not nominated because of parental connection only. In essence, becoming a swordlord, is a member who can contribute either by prowess of the art of the sword or other contributions to the family such as sponsor (though its rarely so) or a great person with many skils and talents, but swordmanship is not one of them.   Once a year, the family gathers at the summer and nominates it members, while at the new year, The Edge approves or disapproves it


The History of the swordlords as per their name was at first an Arasilian story. The Northern Duchy of Arasil, that was located in the lands of Dunklandervon Gontal, were master swordsmen. When they seperated and rebelled against Arasil and the master artisan of the arts went to Sil-Amas. However, few of them went rogue and became asssasins for hire, where they established the Leaston Acadcmy.   Those warlords were anything but honorable and they taught the art of swordsmanship to anyone with coin, which they desperately needed.   In the year 798 AB, the academy and the self-appointed kingdom had to face The Limbo Plague, and while discovering the cure for The Limbo Plague, they had to fight for supremecy with the Kingdom of Brevoii. The Conflict lasted with many skirmishes over the span of of ther 68 years, until in the Kingdom of Arasil had intervened in what is known as the Pacification of the Swordlords.
Founding Date
590 AB
Alternative Names
Minor House Aldorii
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories


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