Hematite Yotsereg Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Hematite Yotsereg

The Hematite Yotsereg was a Yotsereg under the Great Emerald Yotsereg commanded by Mojigin Khanboroldi. It was annihilated during its siege on Clochdor Castle and had all of its soldiers reanimated by Dara Colcamin.


Following the siege, the yotsereg was reanimated in its entirety. To mitigate the unnerving nature of their undeath, soldiers of the yotsereg are completely covered by cloths and armor, leaving no skin visible. They wear bronze deathmasks, designed by the Warleader of the yotsereg's Savaspikeris in a Yorgai fashion; this was done not only in order to make them appear less unsettling, but also for them to regain some semblance of their former life.
Military, Army Division
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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