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The Islands of the Eternal Ocean

The alliance made between The Ivory coalition, The Mithril Isles, Fogcrossing, The Eternal Pirates and Kethassia.

The Triplets Towards the southwest of Myrto in what is locally called the Eternal Ocean lie The Triplets a set of 3 islands that work together as a free alliance. A confederation called The Islands of the Eternal Ocean or The Highborn Treaty
  • Muriax, the largest of the three, is inhabited by Dwarves and halflings mostly. the largest city is the Dwarven Hold of Muriax, built in the open air, Muriax is the capital of the island. The largest port on Muriax is the trading and farming community of Summertown. The island is ruled by the dwarven family of the Bellowlaws, Lord Wolfram is a fair and righteous Chairman of the Highborn Treaty.
  • Kestorro, woodland realm, inhabited by orcs and Wood-elves. Orcs are usually nomadic but in certain situations, they settle in a location. When Myrto demanded Kestorro to be an active part of the empire the peoples of the woods were forced to stay in one place, the Elders chose to gather around the holy site of Melora and build the city of Kestorro there. Island is an elective society where the Elders of the woods are chosen from their respective peoples. Elves, Halflings and specifically Orcs helm the council and the Elder who heads the society is part of the Highborn Treaty as Kestorro's representative. the current leader of Kestorro is the Orcish family of Ivorsing part of the Grave Wolf clan.
  • Fogcrossing, the smallest of the Triplets, is the final port on the way to Achra-Zarkan. Apart from a couple of farms the only civilisation you'll find on Fogcrossing is the port. The economy here runs on hospitality over trade. Under the jurisdiction of Muriax. The mayor of Fogcrossing is Thassarac a bubbly Orc.
  • Kethassia, in the northwest of Losaria. The ancestral home of the Orcs. The northernmost island in the alliance is known as The Islands of the Eternal Ocean (the orcish name for the Auralian sea). The main city of Kethas is the largest on the Island. Large and Bustling, the City is home to the Losarian branch of the Golden Cloaks. Currently under the leadership of "The Clockmaker" Oliver Pendull, the Baron of Kethassia.


Cooperation between the Islands Muriax, Kestorro, Fogcrossing and Kethassia.   The leadership of the council goes to a lord of the Treaty, at this moment the leader of this confederation is Lord Bellowlaw of Muriax. He and his associates head the council. This council governs larger ideas, protection of the seas, treaties of trade and foreign relations. The triplets govern themselves independently.


The islands and their inhabitants govern themselves and are culture upon their own. they have some of their own special days but share the calender of the rest of the world

Public Agenda

their mottos say it all, Peace, Equality, Unity & Ever the same, Ever the different They strive for all that is said in the first.  They recognise that they are what is said in the second. united by goals, different in wants.


Each individual island has its troops, apart from Fogcrossing which falls under the Jurisdiction of Muriax. Any naval force is the combined efforts of the Treaty. There is a general fund for the upkeep of several assets. any extra expenses are encouraged but not mandatory. Kethassia for instance allows the Golden Cloaks as a paramilitary force on the island. Muriax as a land of dwarves has a strong sense of duty and servitude. most Murian Dwarves go into service and are able to be called upon if war fell upon any of the Islands of the Eternal Ocean


After the Council of Thereus denounced Aramis I, the people of the Triplets felt kin to the Therosian uprising.  in 650 the Islands of the eternal Ocean under the guidance of Erlembold Highborn signed a treaty to be independent islands united by a combined fear of the Empire. Highborn, being the elected leader of the Island of Kethassia asked the Triplets to be part of this union despite lying further north in the Auralian Sea.

Peace, Equality, Unity! Ever the same, Ever the different

Founding Date
650 PD
Political, Confederation
Alternative Names
The Highborn Treaty
Murian, Storian, Highborn
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Controlled Territories


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