Session 11 - "To Kakamala!" Report Report in Theros | World Anvil
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Session 11 - "To Kakamala!" Report

General Summary

Preparing to leave Titan's Gate

Kythos spent the night within his new property in Titan's Gate, alongside his new companions. He had a strange feeling during the moonlit night, but could find nothing out of the ordinary. The next day, he returned Timon's armour and Stratos to his former office, at the Alamon Academy, given that he did not earn it. He was rewarded for this show of respect for the natural order, with additional Piety towards Heliod. Ochesios gave Kythos 500gp as thanks for his help over the last (eventful) week. He also gifted him a symbol of Heliod, which would protect him going forward. Kythos also witnessed Sarania writhing in pain on a stretcher within the temple to Heliod. She is due to be taken to the Infirmary within Akros to be treated. Kythos purchased one of Iphinome's newest creations from her - a shield that reflects magic (as well as serving as a mirror). He also paid Iphinome to fix up his property in Titan's Gate.  Kythos promised Iphinome that he would put in a good word for her with The Flamespeaker(s)  Kythos summoned a celestial horse, who he named Lucis, after his old teacher in Meletis (Lucis, The Steed ).    

The Bronze Way

The group of adventurers (Kythos, Taurion, Xercos, Philosta, Varyas, The Eidolon and Lucis, The Steed ) journeyed along The Bronze Way, up Mount Kakamala. Along the way, they observed multiple bronze statues of famous heroes and monarchs from Akros' past, and Kythos learned about King Goran I of Akros, and the forging of Varantha (The History of Akros). Many of the statues were damaged by the ravages of time, including that of Pyrrhos, The Gorgon-Slayer, whose head was missing. Kythos learned from Varyas, The Eidolon that the Flamespeaker(s) of Kakamala were consulted by every sceptred Monarch of Akros, up until King Anax "God-Slayer", of Akros, who found their prophecies false, and turned to the oracular abilities of his wife, Queen Cymede of Akros, an Oracle of Keranos. Since then, Kakamala has rarely (if ever) been visited. During the night, Kythos sensed he was being watched again, and using his Divine Sense, detected a large floating eye watching him and his companions...  

The Trial of The Claw

During the night, a torrential rain started. The group then found a makeshift burial for 2 members of the Alamon, seemingly killed by some clawed beast. Journeying on, they encountered Narcinia, a member of the Alamon who had chosen The Trial of The Claw in order to show her suitability to join the Lukos. She was hunting a Fleecemane Lion, and asked that the group not interfere... Cornering the wounded creature, Narcinia attacked... and so did Kythos and his allies. They killed the Nyxborn beast, and Narcinia was enraged... Then, from the strom above, swooped down a giant bird-like creature covered in shifting stars. The group stunned the creature and attacked it viciously... however, it then launched into the air, taking Kythos, Varyas, The Eidolon and Taurion with it... After a tense combat, Kythos was left hurtling towards the tree canopy below, Varyas, The Eidolon was saved by Philosta, and Taurion 's fate was left far from certain... Kythos hurtled through the trees (which were luscious and healthy), but was saved from imminent explosive impact by a mysterious woman with pointed ears, who pulled a blade on him, and asked him why he was there...    

Rewards Granted

Gained 1 Piety for Heliod (new total = 7)    Gained Guardian Emblem of Heliod from Ochesios    Purchased Mirror Shield from Iphinome
Regional map of Akros and the Khystonos Valley
A map of the area immediately surrounding Akros and the Khystonos.
Theros Campaign
Report Date
28 Oct 2023


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