Session 13 - "A Memory of Love" Report Report in Theros | World Anvil
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Session 13 - "A Memory of Love" Report

General Summary

Alone on The Mountain

  • Taurion awoke on the mountainside, impaled on a peice of jagged rock
  • He witnessed a crow flying through the moonlight down to the canopy of trees below (likely Malanas, The Crow)

The Flashbacks

  • We learned that Taurion was taken from his parents at young age, and sold into slavery in Akros. He became a servant of a Lektoi named Yargus, and was taken into his estate.
  • Over time, Taurion became the personal servant of Yanai, Yargus' son. He also developed a close friendship with Corrino
    • Taurion and Corrino used to play by the riverside of The Khystonos, with Corrino talking on the role of Cerester, "The Hero of Meletis", and Taurion taking the role of Prince Gallinus "Giant's Blood", of Akros. Yanai then intervened, pretending to be a great hairy sorcerer with evil magic! They had a happy life together... 
    • Eventually, Yargus was taken to serve alongside General Teraklos, of the Second Legion in the Xenaxian Wars. 
    • Yanai and his father intervened in a fight taking place between Corrino, Taurion and a group of 3 servants, led by Galla (a scarred 13 year-old, who had supposedly bitten off someone's ear at some point). Corrino asked for help from Taurion in deciding how to discipline the 3 bullies, and was told that he would "look weak" if he had Taurion beside him for such things...
    • Over the next 4 years, Corrino and Taurion grew ever-closer, and eventually they fell in love. 
    • Shortly afterwards, General Teraklos, of the Second Legion arrived at the estate, to report the death of Yargus at the Seige of Akros
    • Yanai then left with Teraklos to join the war effort, echoing to Taurion that it would look weak if he took him with him to battle... 
    • Years later, Taurion followerd General Teraklos, of the Second Legion into the wall at Titan's Gate... he confronted him, and demanded to know what happened to Yanai. He was told that Yanai was sent to secure the passages to Mt. Kure, alongside a battalion of warriors. None returned, and there haven't been any successful missions to Kure since then... Then we witnessed Taurion brandish a knife, and the sound of smashing glass, and then the bloody form of Teraklos, who exclaimed that he was sorry for what happened, before dying... 

    Within The Mountain 

    • Taurion solved a puzzle involving reverse time, and then entered a hall with a semi-automated forge that was creating mechanical men 
    • He was caught sneaking through the room, and ended up in a side office, occupied by Otr, who spoke to him using some sort of translation mist. Otr turned out to be a "Keeper of The Mountain" - squat men with withered legs, who collect volumes of mathematical schematics detailing everything that every has, and will, happen to Mt. Kakamala, as predicted by The Flamespeakers. 
    • Otr gave a box of this linguistic mist to Taurion, alongside 5 volumes of the predictions (in a language Taurion cannot read). He also explained that Kythos is dead, and has been remade as another (he showed Taurion a picture of Kythos' new form. 
    • Otr told Taurion to never travel to Mt. Kure, as he will find only pain there... do not seek Yanai - you will not find what you desire 
    • Taurion was treated surgically for the stone through his abdomen, and awoke the next day to the sound of a great crashing from below... (likely Kythos and Norella, Princess of The Woods freeing The Heart of The Mountain) 
    • Otr and the other Keepers, as well as their mechanical soldiers, then travelled to the stone passages deeper into the mountain. Before leaving, Otr told Taurion to travel upwards to The Flamespeakers, and there to find his answers... 


    • Xercos, Philosta, Lucis, The Steed  and Varyas, The Eidolon lamented the loss of Kythos and Taurion after the battle with The Roc 
    • They journeyed upwards, and rested for the night in an alcove
    • During his watch, Xercos was visited by an elderly man, and asked about his travelling companions. He was asked where Kythos was, and then why he was travelling to The Flamespeakers. 
    • Xercos refused to give this information, and was threatened with death. He then attacked the old man with a massive wave of sound. He was then turned into ash by the man, who cackled and dissipated into the night, fincking a silver coin towards him, with the insignia of life and death on either side... 

    Rewards Granted

    Taurion acquired a box of "linguistic vapours", that allow those inhaling them to speak in a language understood by the person they are speaking to.    Taurion also acquired 5 volumes of the prophecies of The Flamespeakers, from Otr, a Keeper of The Mountain
    Theros Campaign
    Report Date
    03 Dec 2023


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