Session 14 - "Sign on the dotted line" Report Report in Theros | World Anvil
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Session 14 - "Sign on the dotted line" Report

General Summary

"The Mahakali"

  • Kythos was chased through the halls beneath Mt. Kakamala by The Heart of The Mountain
  • He was almost killed, but one of The Keepers saved him by pausing time and stopping the creature's onslaught
  • Keeper Alfrigg gave Kythos some scrolls, and allowed him past a large door, into the upper levels of the mountain.
  • She referred to The Heart of The Mountain as "The Mahakali", which denotes the children of the Titans (Primordial creatures from before time began), as well as being used in common parlance to denote a demon or bogeyman.
  • After passing through, Kythos found Taurion, and the two set off together...

The Fiery Halls

  • Kythos and Taurion passed through some sections of the mountain, and eventually encountered the white and black leonin Kythos had seen running a stall in Lower Akros. After a brief scuffle, they agreed to travel on together.
  • The Leonin introduced themselves as Koila, of The Ironclaws and Atagone, of The Ironclaws. Atagone then explained that they were looking for an item stolen from her ancestors many years ago, by Queen Elentuta "The Tenacious" of Akros. She explained that she needed this in order to prove to her peopek that she could rule, after her mother's death.
  • The group struggled to pass the door into the temple complex above, and were attacked by the Temple's Guardian. In the fighting, Kythos lost the dagger he had taken from Ochesios, back in Titan's Gate.

The Temple of The Dioscuri


A Faustian Pact 

  • Awakening during the process of being embalmed, Kythos was confronted by Malanas, The Crow, in the form of an elderly man. 
  • Kythos agreed to serve Malanas, in return for his friends being saved. He also agreed to continue serving, in the hopes that Hixus and Xercos might be released by Malanas and returned to the land of the living. 

Rewards Granted

Gained a level (Kythos now Level 7, Taurion Level 6)  Kythos changed to Warlock (Pact of The Undead)
Theros Campaign
Report Date
20 Dec 2023


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