Session 6 - "The General will see you now..." Report Report in Theros | World Anvil
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Session 6 - "The General will see you now..." Report

General Summary

  • The session began in the market square of Titan's Gate, under a statue depicting King Goran III "The Mighty" of Akros and Queen Jocasta "Thrice-wed" of Akros 
  • The Gate was seen to open and Teraklos, General of the Second Legion and Keeper of Titan's Gate and Cathal Daggereye made a procession through the city. 
  • The pair visited the temple of Heliod, and Ochesios publicly pardoned Cathal Daggereye for his raids against Akros. 
  • Kythos overheard people discussing how they had fled to Titan's Gate to escape the Daggereye raids. There was some confusion as to how the Daggereyes managed to get past the gate. 
  • Kythos witnessed General Teraklos, of the Second Legion and some Lukos soldiers move through a hidden door into the gate. When inspected, this depicted the adventures of Prince Gallinus "Giant's Blood", of Akros and Prince Arius "The Bastard" of Akros, but interestingly, Gallinus was wielding the spear Varantha, something only a reigning King or Queen of Akros is permitted to do...
  • Kythos met with Timon and his wife Sarania , who announced they had secured Kythos a meeting with Teraklos, General of the Second Legion and Keeper of Titan's Gate the next day at sunrise. 
  • Kythos attempted to visit Ochesios and Pylaios at the Temple of Heliod multiple times, and eventually took Varyas, The Eidolon there, to be healed. 
  • Before speaking with Teraklos, Kythos overheard the General and some of his council discussing there being mutliple queens in The Kollophon. 
  • Kythos met with General Teraklos, of the Second Legion the next day, and was given "permission" to attend to the translation of the Mask of Varyas, which Ochesios would translate. He also "commanded" that Teraklos give Taurion permission to enrol with the Alamon
  • Kythos learned that the majority of Titan's Gate's forces were being moved to the border of Phoberos, to support a campaign Paristhenes is launching against the minotaurs of that land. He also learned that teraklos is staying in Titan's Gate for some time "to attend to personal matters". 
  • Kythos and Varyas, The Eidolon walked along the Bronze wall, looking for signs of centaurs. Kythos learned the story of Queen Jocasta "Thrice-wed" of Akros's marriage to Alexios "The Prince of Meletis", and the tragedy of Thaleia, The Typhon
  • Kythos visited the temple of Heliod, and found Varyas, The Eidolon healed. He also spoke with Pylaios, and found out that he is leaving for "a settlement of Heliites in the mountains, and then on to Mount Kure". Pylaios asked that Kythos find him there and give him the mask. 
  • Ochesios told Kythos the tale of Malanas, The Crow and Tymaret, The Murder King. 
  • Kythos returned to Trinnia's Taverna (which used to be the temple of Phenax), and learned the story of Queen Jocasta "Thrice-wed" of Akros's third husband, King Moros, "The Cruel", of Akros, and the slaying of Prince Gallinus "Giant's Blood", of Akros 
  • Kythos returned to the temple of Heliod, where he helped Ochesios translate the Mask of Varyas. He was disturbed by a commotion above, and found Centaurs rampaging through the streets, hurling flasks of some sort of blue-black ice-fire...
Theros Campaign
Report Date
17 Sep 2023
Primary Location
Regional map of Akros and the Khystonos Valley
A map of the area immediately surrounding Akros and the Khystonos.


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